"Good Morning" (Part 5)

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Y/N, much to the joy of every single one of Sherlock's inexperienced nerve cells, tipped her head down to brush his lips with hers, hot humid breath tickling like a feather being stroked too-lightly over his skin. It filled his core with helpless agitation as he realised she was messing with him again, holding back what he so desperately craved behind a wicked smirk. He made a pitiful noise, his neck straining to try to reach what he wanted and failing, getting a smug giggle.

Sherlock would be angry about the sheer amount of power she holds had he not been, in some strange thrill-of-the-chase kind of way, enjoying what she was doing. Physical pleasure seemed to be a lot about suspense, he'd noted. Waiting for bursts of sensation, for waves of satisfaction, winding your partner's body tighter and tighter with need before heeding it's wishes, releasing that built-up energy in one explosive fireworks display of firing synapses. The more built up energy, the larger and more powerful the wave of answering ecstasy. Sherlock's body, although still so innocent, clearly wants those types of release more than it's ever wanted the satisfaction of solving a case, of catching any criminal. Just this one kiss, these mere few seconds of staring pleadingly up into his girlfriend's eyes while she strategically withholds one of the best kind of satisfaction he'd ever known evokes a sense of expectation no career can compete with.

He can't stand it anymore and takes the back of Y/N's head with the hand he'd previously had on the computer mouse, pushing Y/N's face close enough to his own to claim her lips. She was still smiling, he could feel it as she kissed him, the rocky edge of her teeth, the soft exhalation of air as she laughed at his neediness.

'I'll show her,' Sherlock wanted to be able to think. He wanted to sweep her off her feet, take back some of the control she'd easily plucked from him like sweets from a baby. Not for the sake of his pride---because Lord knows that escaped along with the pitiful begging sound he'd made a second ago---but because he wants to please her. He wants to make Y/N make that pitiful sound, to want him as much as he wants her (and God, he wants her. Every second). She makes his knees feel like cooked spaghetti, his body quiver with need simply by standing within a foot of him, his head to drain of blood so rapidly he momentarily forgets to inhale---and it's wonderful. He wants her to feel it too, he wants to stand up right now and give her a kiss so wrought with confidence and male sexuality that she---

But he couldn't because he doesn't know how. Not really. 'Not yet, anyway.' And he knows that if he tried, all it would take would be a flick of Y/N's tongue along his lip, the tip of one of her nails lightly, accidentally, brushing his scalp, to tug the metaphorical rug out from under his feet again.

Y/N's still leaning over Sherlock, their kiss upside down and yet, curiously, Sherlock thought, no less pleasing. If he did document the many ways that Y/N caresses him, as he'd considered earlier, he'd definitely take note of this one. She sort of had his bottom lip and he had her top one, the unfamiliar position causing their movements to be slightly sloppy and mismatched. Not in an uncoordinated way, but in a way that meant their mouths would become separated enough every now and again and Sherlock's happy little moans to break free, his jaw pulled open by the stretch of his lithe, pale neck.

It was around the time that Sherlock made a hungry groan (brought on by Y/N pushing the kiss deeper) that he felt vaguely aware of something pulling his shirt. Embarrassingly slowly compared to his usual bullet trains of thought, he realised it was Y/N's hand trying to show she'd like him to stand up.

With the best of his ability, Sherlock broke the kiss enough to rise to his full height and let Y/N guide him to where she wanted him. He hoped that with this improved position Y/N would have better access to his mouth, which he really wanted her to continue her exploration of.

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