Chapter 13 So This Is My Life Now

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Disclaimer: I do not own the fan art or the characters just the story.
   Underline words: means Easter Eggs
    ........❤️...........: Time skip
    'TAlking to self'

Nothing but Merthur in this chapter and funny stuff with the knights. And the Easter eggs of course. Now on with the story.

'I can't believe that PRAT! He drags me out here when he could of got his knights to come out here to investigate!' Merlin ranted to herself.

During the council meeting they discussed about how there been a missing carriage with supplies from a neighboring village.

Every one including Merlin believe it's was bandits. But the so smart King believe that the coachman probably got lost. Or got hurt and needs helps. So he told the council that him and Merlin would go check it out. Which Merlin was not so thrilled about.

It took awhile for the knights to even consider letting Arthur go by himself with only his servant for protection. But some how he did. So now him and Merlin are in the woods looking for the carriage.

The witch was not having it. She didn't care that it was just the two of them because she could take care of anything that tries to attack. Well when Arthur wasn't looking. No what got her mad was the fact that Arthur could of just send the knights instead of going himself.

But no the King had to go by himself and bring her with him. When he fully knows that she as chores that needs to get done. 'I feel like he does this on purpose just so he can call me lazy or Merlin for once can you do your job.' She rolled her eyes at the thought.

As for Arthur, he was glad to finally get out of the castle. He didn't care that he just had a hunting trip last week. Tho it was cut short by Merlin getting hit by that spell. So him and the knights didn't really get to hunt, like at all.

But the reason why he didn't want to bring the knights was one he didn't want to deal with Gawain's crazy yet funny tavern stories. Then Leon hitting him on the head. Two he just wanted it to be him and Merlin. Just like how it used to be back in the early years.

Arthur doesn't get to see Merlin that much anymore. That could because of him doing his king duties and Merlin as been helping Gaius a lot more lately. That's probably one of the reason why he makes her come to the council meetings. And also because at times Merlin can be the wisest one out of everyone on the council. Then at most times shes the clumsiest one.

"You know what I think."

Arthur stop, turning around so Merlin can catch up. Once she was close enough he asked her. "And what would that be?"

"I think that you do this on purpose."

"Do what on purpose?"

"That you bring me every where just so you can call me lazy."

"MeRlin, how does that make any sense?" He wonders if she even hears the crazy things that come out of her mouth.

"YOU! Have me at your beck and call and by your side every minute of the day. Making where I don't have time to actually do my chores. And when I do get the time, either you or Gaius calls me!" She ranted. Pointing an accusing finger towards him.

'And not to forget I'm also saving your ass every week! But heaven forbid you know about that.'  She finish her little rant in her head.

"So, you're saying that I keep you by my side as a way to distract you from doing your chores. Just so I can call you lazy?"  He question with an eyebrow raised. 

Merlin you're a girl!???Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang