Chapter Three|Herbal Tea

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When George woke up, he couldn't breathe or move.

It was a struggle to pry his eyes open, but when he eventually did, he was extremely confused and alarmed.

There was something sitting criss-cross directly on George's chest. Their knees were awkwardly bent so that whoever it was could be comfortable.

They didn't seem offhandedly strange, just by appearance. Or at least, at first they didn't.

They had brand new shoes on, and George could smell them, considering they were just two inches from his face. They were most likely green if his colorblindness wasn't being too much of an ass today. Yeah, green and white Converse, the bulky kind. The shoelaces hung untied in George's face.

Whoever it was was wearing dark grey skinny jeans. New, normal, and non-ripped skinny jeans, George noted with some surprise.

George would've rolled his eyes at his own surprise if he wasn't still rapidly assessing the situation.

They were also wearing a huge, green oversized sweatshirt. It looked soft and well made. The kind George would buy for himself.

It was when he finally looked up to the person's face that they noticed some differences. Well.. for one, their skin was paperwhite. At least, George assumed the pigmentation of this person's neck wasn't make-up.

The second difference was that they had a mask on. This one didn't change expressions, and it wasn't as sharp and angular. In fact, it was a perfect circle, with a stupid smile painted on.

The third was that they had horns. They were short, probably just big enough to wrap a hand around, but the green and white-tipped extremities looked sharp. George immediately banished all thought of touching them.

The most normal thing about this person that was physical... Well, it was probably the fact that he had very long, thick, and poofy locks of dirty blonde hair.

Wait. Dirty blonde hair.

Of course, the demon had tricked George.

The demon tilted his head- er, well, his mask- in curiosity as George was poked near the eye by a tail. The tail was something he hadn't seen. It was like a rope, the same thickness all the way through, and then an upside-down heart at the end. It was like the horns, green and tipped with white. George blinked from the touch. The demon seemed to light up.

"Oh! Good. I was beginning to think you had died."

Suddenly, the weight and paralysis were lifted from his chest as the demon slipped off of him. Annoyingly, there was still some numbness in the tips of his fingers and toes.

"Now, tie my shoes, mortal."

George blanched.

A demon who didn't know how to tie his shoes.

He found himself giggling, and then laughing, while the demon just sat there, completely still, just watching him.

When the giggle fit ended, George needed a moment to catch his breath before he could actually talk to the demon again.

"You, you don't know how to tie shoes?" The demon was still frozen, just standing in place. It grumbled about dreamscape and something about power before it waltzed out of the room, shoes still untied. George scrambled to follow, with a yelp and a 'hey!'

His parents weren't home. George could have passed out from relief at learning that fact. His.. His parents wouldn't take kindly to him wandering out of his room with a boy. But then again, that boy was also a demon, which is a much larger reason for concern.

George groaned as he watched the demon tear his pantry and spice cabinet apart, picking up random spices until he was satisfied somehow, using his mom's French press and kettle to make two cups of steaming hot tea.

"Finally. I'm glad some things haven't changed." He said, handing George the cup. George's nose turned up a bit. He didn't like tea too much, only certain types. He doubted this demon got his tastes right.

"Chai?" The demon in question asked, and then George took a sip. Nevermind. Of course, he would.

"So, we're having tea. What's next?" George was surprised at how.. Domestic it all felt. For how threatening the demon had been in his dreams, the masked demon boy with huge sweater paws was a huge downgrade when it came to being scary.

"I'm courting you." The demon said. George was just confused. He had no idea what that meant. The demon just sighed, rolling his eyes and sipping his tea.

"Call me Dream." The demon suddenly said. George raised an eyebrow, swallowing some of the hot, soothing liquid.

"You call me a demon. That's correct. But humans have names. I've never had one, but I figure 'Dream' would be pretty ironic." He said, his lips quirking into a smirk. George rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Dream," George said sarcastically. The demon, well, now I guess he's Dream the dream demon, froze in his tracks, just like earlier, before he just nodded.

George wondered what that had meant for all of two seconds before Dream was standing up and pouring the rest of the tea into his cup, much to George's loud complaints.


Cat loved Dream. George had no idea why, but yeah.

Cat was rubbing up on Dreams pants like there was no tomorrow. George was smirking, just waiting for the moment that is bound to happen where Dream asks for a lint roller, and George gets to say 'i don't have one'.

George... If he was being honest, he had no idea what to think of the demon in his room right now.

But for some stupid reason, he wasn't afraid or unsettled by the demon's presence. It was a little counterproductive, now that he thought about it. By all means, he should be absolutely terrified of this 'thing' being in his house.

But Dream was like a blank slate. He didn't seem to feel much, or, at least, express what he can feel much. George watched him fumble around with his sweater paws, trying to pet Cat, and he laughed, looking away.

He didn't notice Dream freeze up yet again.


So, the uploading schedule for this fic is going to be a little sporadic.
Basically, if I'm feeling like complete garbage one day, you'll get one chapter that day. Usually you'll get two though. I also decided I'm gonna stop labeling the ends of the chapters.
I pulled an all nighter. Sorry if this chapter is trash.
Now I'm craving chai tea so peace.

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