Chapter 17: Surveillance And Retrieval

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The examinees all stood with their heads angled up at the heavens, gathered at a foot of a hill. A single signboard identified the place. It displayed a name they had never heard of in their lives. Probably all the secrecy was the reason for it, after all, few even knew about the existence of Gadiem Von.

Despite their cultural and anatomical differences, they all had to agree upon one fact- the place was magnificent. The hills were rocky with green sprouting at certain crevices and all around them were ring clouds crowning the natural hulkings. Foreign aviators speckled the skies and the place gave an ominous yet thrilling feel.

They were ready for whatever tests the Council had in mind.

Following the signboard, they found maps- each showing different locations. They were hidden behind a bush in a little chest to prevent damage from animals and the elements. From hereon they would divide. Split ways. Each examinee was on their own now.

The tests were analytical. They studied reasoning, the inner workings of the brains, the character of the examinees. Honesty, and other virtues were all mapped in the most open way, as the choices they made, showed who they truly were; one could say it as- glancing on their insides without even having to look, to draw an analogy.

Being alone, they had no influence of others so, they had none but themselves as their sole guide. Certain choices were crucial to keep on with the tests. Those who failed to make them, were simply out of it.

The tests were elaborate puzzles, situations carefully framed to study the inner workings of the minds. Completely psychological.

These tests however, were not common. They only took place when someone of The Council died.

Faramon however, didn't require to keep an eye on the examinees. If any succeeded and had taken the right choices, they'd automatically arrive at the winning place. The cave.

It was all calculated ages ago, but updated each time with a new test. The requirements stayed the same, but the tests changed with time.

Their race had reached a technological standpoint that had almost endless possibilities.

Juvo admired how these beings were making productive use of their powers. They certainly went near his ideals. He had been on the planet for only a day, but whatever he had already seen was more than enough of a taste of the true status and power of the beings. They were rulers. They got their powers from themselves, while strengthening it more with the number of their followers.

How a perfect system should be like.

And all the secrecy assured no interference to what they had established. The few trading nations of other planets were peaceful and didn't poke their noses where they shouldn't. This was really what Juvo had dreamt of achieving himself someday. And if all goes right, I will, achieve what I dream... But it will be much more grand than anything that exists now.

Juvo watched as the participants scattered in different directions, following their respective maps. He had complete audio and visual input. The faint buzz of the spy drones- the size of a fly- got mixed in the natural cacophony. There was no chance they will find out that someone was watching.

The image the Shokurat had shown him the other day was of the place where the examinees had gathered an hour ago. Juvo had sent his drones and waited out the night in his pod. Fortunately it was just the day after when the exam started. The Shokurat had revealed the date too. It was one of the big news on the planet- this test that came not so often. The public however, wasn't given access to watching the tests. Even the slightest infiltration could be the cause of the ruin of the entire set-up. They were given orders to keep out of certain places where the tests commenced. No contact or communication was allowed with the participants.

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