+ chapter two +

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Project X

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© 2015 Luna Black


"Is it dead?" The man standing beside the Doctor asked quietly, unsure whether Trent Dower had harmed the woman

"Do not be foolish. She just fainted..." The Doctor sighed, "like the last 10." The doctor informed him, not looking up from the chart he was holding. He knew who brought who and who was paired with who, with a few simple clicks on the touchscreen pad in his hands

Alexa gradually felt herself waking up, a headache threatening to crack open her skull and a throbbing pain at the base of her spine as she was released from her nightmare. Obviously, it had to be a nightmare. The fight. The man who broke in. The flash of light. All the men.

It was a nightmare.

"I think she is waking up." The assistant whispered to his mentor, regarding the human woman on the bed with curiosity.

He had never seen a human female before that night and had never thought them to be as attractive. They resembled the women of his home planet and it was odd how they seemed almost exactly like them. Without the intelligence or height, of course. Most human females seemed to be rather short in comparison to the Xrionian women.

"Alexandra Marie Dominick. Number 37. Are you awake?" The doctor asked, knowing by her heart rate that she was.

Alexa didn't want to move or open her eyes, afraid of what she would see. Was the nightmare not finished?

It would explain the throbbing pain in her back; she really was hauled over a railing. It would explain the headache; she had a hangover from drinking so much.

She hesitantly opened her eyes and was greeted by two faces and bright white lights. She was in heaven. That's it. It explains it.

"W-where am I?" She croaked, watching the two faces.

One was staring, straight faced, at a glass panel in his hands, pressing on it as magnetic blue words, symbols and pictures flew across it. The second face was a lot friendlier looking, beaming down at her.

"You are on The Xrionian Imperial Space Cruiser." The assistant chirped, happy she was awake. Alexa wished she could say the same; the hammering headache and throbbing back pain was less than fun to wake up to. "Or XISC for short," He added, looking over to the doctor, most likely for help.

Accepting that he should probably talk to her and follow through with his duty, he sighed and lowered the chart, looking over at her.

"Alexandra Dominick. 22. Born February 14th of the year 1992 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Parents are Veronica Dominick and Andrew Dominick, both aged 50. You like painting, listening to Earth music, long walks on the beach," he rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath that Earth women were all identical. He had read 'long walks on the beach' for more than 30 women.

"What?" Alexa scowled, "That was a long questionnaire! I was getting bored."

He nodded, pursing his lips and continued reading her information.

She frowned. "Wait! How do you know all of this?"

Dr. Naveer sighed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he tried his best to smile and said, "You filled this out for us, Miss Dominick."

Alexa looked pointedly at him. She had thought the questionnaire was just something everybody randomly got; not that it was a 'special selection' and she would end up being kidnapped by crazy people.

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