🎵🥁~ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞~🥁🎵

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A/N: I'm sorry I've taken so long to update lmao. Also sorry that I keep going back and editing past already published chapters. I just reread them and I'm like "ooo but what if this happened" and "oh this should be phrased differently"

Pov: Narrator

Rodrick drove home in silence. After dropping Y/N off he was just alone with his thoughts.

'Does she really not like my hair? I thought about cutting it a couple of times but opted not to for the grunge/punk rock aesthetic.' He thought to himself. Even with the confusion about his hair, he was still really happy about the day went. Good things kept happening to him left and right. He made up with Y/N, Y/N doesn't have to hide the band from her dad anymore. It was relaxing. Of course, he was a little concerned about Y/N's dad but that was nothing he couldn't handle.

Rodrick turned on the radio because the silence in the van was deafening and he wanted to jam a little bit. He put in one of his many many Löded Diper CDs and started drumming on the steering wheel. When it got to the bass solo he couldn't help but think of Y/N. After that, it was hard for him to get her out of his head.

'She had a cute sweater on today...and' He thought back to when he dropped her off 'She was so close to my face' he started blushing and turned up the radio to try and drown out some of his perverted thoughts. He closed his eyes for a split second and all of a sudden..


Something had hit the front of the van...

Meanwhile at Y/Ns house

Y/N walked through her front door with a stupid grin on her face. She threw her bag on the ground by the coat rack and walked into the kitchen to see what her dad was cooking. She sat on a bar stool by the kitchen island.

"Hey, Dad, what're you making?" She asked cheerfully.

"Well at least one of us is happy, " he muttered under his breath, still upset about the whole Rodrick situation. "I'm trying a new pasta thingy I think you might-"

"Yeah yeah that's great, Me and Rodrick made up, and now everything's back to normal again!" Y/N interrupted him. Her dad was not amused.

"That's great, " he replies sarcastically enthusiastic. "Now try this sauce, " He quickly shoved a spoon in her face. She pushed it away.

"Dad, I'm serious. Now that everything is chill. I'm not gonna so stressed all the time, " She was trying to work around talking about Rodrick directly.

"But now you're gonna hang around Rodrick again, "

She did not succeed...

"I did that before, the only difference is that you didn't know. Nothing bad happened then and nothing is going to happen, ", She argued "I promise, "

"Look I'm glad you're not watching High School Musical 2 and crying about how Chad and Ryan are closeted gay lovers anymore but I just don't know if I'm okay with this yet, " He said confused. "I didn't get a lot of time to process all of this this morning and now it's all coming at me at once. You have to understand the situation I'm in right now. I- " Just as he was about to start talking the kitchen timer went off and the food was ready.

"I'll help set the table and we can talk this out for real. No yelling or back-talking," Y/N said grabbing some plates. They got everything ready and sat at the table.

"Okay so, Can you at least answer some questions?" He asked

"Of course, fire away, " She made some awkward finger guns and regretted all of her life choices.

"Number one, How long have you really been friends and how did you meet?"

"We've known each other for almost 3 years and we met at the eighth grade formal after Heather uh, you know, " She looked off to the side. Rodrick had always been there for her, he's the best friend she could ever have.

"I see, Does he know about what happened with you and Heather? Does he even know you like girls?"

"No and no, it never really came up, " she paused, "Thats a lie, our whole fight was because he liked Heather. I just didn't want to talk about it I guess. I didn't want him to think I was being petty over something that happened in eighth grade, "

"I understand, but just so you know, you aren't being petty. Heather was really mean to you, " He held her hand from across the table, "Number three!" He shouted unexpectedly causing Y/N to pull her hand back.

"Has he ever shown any romantic interest in you?" He stared her down.

"What? Of course not!" She was offended that he would even ask that, "We are strictly just friends and have been forever, period, end of discussion, "

"I was just asking, can't be letting my only daughter marry a clown, " Her dad said that just to make her mad.

"He's not a clown, " Y/N mumbled

"I know sweetie, I'm just messing with you, "

There was an awkward silence...

"Number four!" He shouted

"Number five!" Y/N interrupted "Are you doing that just to mess with me!?"

"Yes, NUMBER FOUR!" He continued, "How did you get into 'Löded Diper'?" He asked in air quotes.

"Well, in music class they were letting us mess around with random instruments and I was pretty good at the bass. After class, we were talking and he had the idea to start a band with our friend Ben. I let them pick the band name, obviously, " She giggled as she reminisced.

"Who's Ben?" He interrogated

"You forgot to yell 'Number five' and he's our lead singer/guitarist, he's pretty good, "

"How many boys do you hang out with?"

"I hang out with just as many boys as I do girls, " she dismissed.

"Whatever, number six! On a scale of 1-10, how good is he at driving?"

"I..uh, " Y/N started sweating. After a long pause, she spoke up, "Look, dad, I don't want to lie to you anymore. Probably a 2. That's being generous. I don't know how he got his license, I think he ran over the instructor and that just handed it to him out of fear.

"Wow, You are never allowed inside of that death trap of a van until you are 18,"

"Cmon dad, "

"Okay, I'm out of questions" he looked down at his plate, "And pasta. So I'm gonna call it a night, " he got up and went upstairs, ruffling Y/N's hair as he passed. "Night kiddo, "

"Night dad, " Y/N replied and walked up to her own room. Her room was similar to Rodricks in size and location but drastically different in cleanliness and aesthetics.

Y/N was about to change into pajamas and flop into bed but then she remembered her vast amount of homework that was due Monday. It was already ten o'clock so she ran downstairs, grabbed her backpack, and threw her papers on her desk.

As she was about to pull the last piece of paper out she saw Rodrick's baseball. She grabbed it and set in on her desk as decoration. "I don't think he would mind if I kept it for a little bit, " she said go herself.

After about half an hour she was done and completely exhausted might I add. She finally got ready for bed and was ready to pass the fuck out when she got a text from Rodrick.

A/N: Wattpad sucks with bad internet so I can't put pictures in anymore without it crashing. So I can't use the fake text app I would normally use

Doofus: hey Y/N i really need your help

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