Convince Me

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"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Steff asked me the hundredth time. "C'mon Amy, Tipping Point was great and you loved it too."

"Steff! Not tonight. I'm just tired. Maybe next week?" I rubbed my forehead. I should take a pill for my headache.

"Okay don't wait up! Bye!" She hugged me and left. I honestly wanted to sleep but there were a lot of things going on. My brain has been buzzing since afternoon. It looks like I might have to resign on Monday. Within the next week, I'll need to find a job as well. A lot of do in so less time. What a mess!

Thoughts were darting at high speed on my mind's highway. I decided to take a quick shower to break those crazy thoughts. I changed into my night pajama shorts and I pulled out my laptop to search for 'Vacancy Personal Assistant'. Wow! There were quite a few results. Maybe I'll get lucky. I sent out my resume to four companies. Not bad eh?

May be this is best for both of us. In that way I can avoid facing him and he can save the trouble of firing me. All will go back to where it was. I will remember him, our moments together, and this tragic ending.

Just then the doorbell rang. I looked at the time. It was 8:45. Surely not Mr. Grumpy. He said 8 pm, isn't it? I was a bit perplexed.

'What if it is Mr. Grumpy? What will I say?'

The bell rang again as I slowly walked towards the door. The bell rang again. I opened the door and there stood Alexander Holden. In a way, I was half expecting him, wasn't I?

"Since you didn't come for dinner, I brought the dinner to you" he smiled and raised the Mc Donald's take away.

I moved away from the door. What's the point of stopping as neither will I be able to block him nor will he leave without entering. He came inside and sat on the couch. The laptop was on the table. He took a look at that and said calmly "So you've decided to resign" It was not a question.

I wanted to shout back. It was all because of him. Because of his stupid proposal. Why would he suddenly jumble up my small perfect life?

I sat down. I was a bit conscious. My apartment is a small one. Though he doesn't seem to mind it. He stretched out and almost filled the entire couch. Also, I was in my nightdress. It's cute but surely not something that one wears in front of their boss. On second thoughts, he came to me, didn't he? I guess I have nothing to be ashamed of.

"Are you alone? Where is your roommate?" He looked around.

"Clubbing." I shrugged.

"Amelia, I want to talk to you. Please, would you listen?" His voice was soft. I guess he knows which tone to use in which situation. Where was that steely voice now? I nodded.

"I am sorry if I scared you. It wasn't my intention. I wouldn't hide anything. I'm not marrying you because of love. I've already told you the reason. My mother. If only I could give her that elusive peace of mind" He paused "Think of it purely as a business arrangement. I will pay you. To start with, we can go with one million dollars a month. You can use it to clear your debts."

"I don't need your money"

"I know and I respect you for that"

"Why do you want to marry me?"

"Because of my mother"

"Why can't you marry your girlfriend?"

"Regina is not my girlfriend."

"But she is more than a friend?"

"She was."

"So why can't you marry her?"

"Because she is not honest"

"Are you gay?"

"No" He was amused.

"Are you in love with me?"


"Are you attracted to me"

"Yes." I could see his jaw clench.

"If I say no, will you make my life hell?"

"No" He sighed

"How on earth can you think of your marriage as a business arrangement?"

"Amelia, mother has all but 6 months and - "

"You cannot buy everyone on earth with money, not me for sure."

"I understand that. That's why we are talking, aren't we?"

"Why me?"

"I can't just present a trophy wife to my mother because she will understand everything the moment she sees us together. I cannot let that happen to my mother, not after everything she has done for our family.

"I'm sorry Mr. Holden. I can't do this." I rubbed my forehead. I should have taken the pill.

"I know my personal needs could not be a reason for you to sacrifice your time but could you imagine this as an act? You just have to act in front of her. Outside, you'll have all the freedom you want – well except for relationships. We will divorce eventually but you will be properly compensated."

'No, I can't do this. I'm not a slut.'

"Please" He leaned forward and placed his warm hands upon mine. I pulled mine away. "Think this as a business meeting where you are accompanying me. Like the one we had in Seattle?"

"But this isn't a business meeting Mr. Holden. I can't. What will I tell my friends? My family? That I'm your escort?" I burst out

"Amy! I'd never let your name down. No one will know the true nature of this arrangement. Amy, we shared a room together in Seattle, you trusted me then, didn't you? You told me to keep it as a secret, and I did. Because, I won't allow a black mark on you. This will be between us and my lawyer. No one else. For everyone else, it would be a love marriage. We will declare it soon. No one, even in my family, would know about this."

"Ethan! Oh my God! I wouldn't be even able to face him. He'll think - No -"

"Then we'll tell the truth to Ethan."

"It's too complicated Mr. Holden. I think you should find someone who has the confidence and self-assurance to do this. I can't." I got up from the chair. I didn't know what to do. Hopefully, he would take the cue and leave. He didn't.

"Let's at least have the dinner, shall we?" He took the takeaway to my tiny kitchen. I stood there watching him while he pulled a plate from the rack. He placed the Mc Burger and fries on the plate, along with a fork and knife.

"Who eats burger and fries from a plate!" I exclaimed. "Mr. Holden, we are from different sects of society. You should really find someone who can behave the way you want them to" He crossed the room in a couple of strides and pulled me to him. With a short scream, I crashed on his warm chest. I held his shirt tightly to balance myself. He gently caressed my cheeks

"But I want you Amy! " His tone was husky. "I don't know why but I want you." He softly brushed his lips with mine. The butterflies fluttered in my tummy. I shut my eyes.

"I can't. I just can't" I murmured against his lips. The seconds strained.

"Okay." He pulled away and gently placed me on the chair. "I'll still wait till Monday to get an answer from you and I hope you'd say a yes." He kissed my forehead and moved out of the house.

As I sat alone in the room, I shivered thinking about how my life has changed in an afternoon. Just when I thought I had figured out everything in life, this guy comes in and turns my life upside down! You cannot do this to me Mr. Alexander Holden, you cannot make a decision about my life.

Go to hell!

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