Chapter 3

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Present-day, Late August.

"Welcome Freshmen to the University of Southern California!" The deep red words were sprawled across the bright gold banner that hung on the dormitory entrance. My breath came slightly faster as I pulled my car up next to my dad's truck and put it in park.

My mom was terrified for me to bring my car to the city since I only ever drove around our small town. But there was no way I could have come without it. Since getting my car on my 17th birthday I had become very dependant on it. It was my guaranteed escape route. Any time I was too awkward or anxious somewhere I always knew I could hop in my car, crank the stereo, and drive away from my problems.

I took a deep stabilizing breath, then unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed out to meet my family. Mom, Dad, and Oliver were all here to help me move in. Dad popped my trunk as my mom ran off to the orientation table to grab my move-in package. As we waited for her to come back I looked around at the other families moving in their kids.

The student's dorms were all clustered together in the USC Village, which also had a gym, restaurants, and even a Trader Joe's. My dad stared a little too long at all the young men milling around. My floor was all freshman girls, but the dorm buildings were co-ed.

I readjusted my backwards Chargers hat and started to organize my boxes. The slightly sticky feeling under my white t-shirt and jean shorts itched my skin. I was desperate to get inside quickly so I could unpack and get settled. Today was Saturday so I only had one full day before school started to obsessively check my textbooks and supplies to ensure that I was really ready.

    My mom scurried back with all my paperwork and a shopping cart to fill with my stuff. All of my Tetris training had clearly been for this moment because I was able to get everything in the cart in one go. Well plus stacking Dad and Oliver's arms full. My move-in package said I was in room 310 which I would share with one other roommate.

Oh god, my roommate... The email I received a month ago said her name is Madeline Probst. I had been too afraid to stalk her on social media but I knew that she was 18 too, and majored in Political Science. Whatever that actually meant.

    My family and I stuffed into the elevator and I hit the 3rd-floor button while I tried to calm my nerves. I didn't really want to meet my roommate for the first time as my family watched us. I knew they were worried about how I would do on my own and I didn't need them to worry more if I didn't click with Madeline.

    The elevator door dinged open and I followed the signs left down the hall towards my room. I found the door with the large gold 310 on it and slowly opened it. Looking around it seemed like maybe Madeline wasn't here yet.

When you first walked in the dorm there was a shared living area to the right with a small kitchen and an attached living room. The furniture was generic and stiff but still pretty nice. To the left was a closed door with a large A on it, and down the hall was a small bathroom and another room with a large B.

    My paperwork said I was in room A so I went to that door and peeked inside. It was a small room, just enough space for a twin bed against the wall, a closet, and a desk sitting in front of the window.

    "Oh, baby this is great!" My mom exclaimed as she followed me inside. "We can put all your photos on this wall here and even hang your white lights behind the bed."

    "Well son, I think it's safe to say we aren't needed here anymore," My dad said from the doorway as he and Oliver placed my stuff inside the room. 

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