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Asher's POV:

When my father told us everything all I felt was hurt for not remembering him and forced myself to forget him.

I felt sorry for my parents who lost their son at such a young age but had to leave everything he ever touched or felt and even the memories behind them just to protect me.

My brother according to my father who has always protected me is not even known by the world just because of me.

At first I hated my parents for doing that but when I thought about it, it wasn't their mistake but mine alone for not remembering him.

I couldn't hold my tears anymore so I let them out when I felt Emma's hold tighten on me.

"I want to know everything about him" I said looking at my father.

Dad nodded and asked us to follow him.

"Where are we going?" I asked him confused because I expected him to tell me about my brother more.

"I would like to show you something first" Dad said to which I nodded and we followed him upstairs.

When dad took a turn which I know very well because whenever I ended up here when I was young was the only time he shouted on me.

At the end of the hallway was a large double doors which is a private area only for my dad and mom not even the maids were allowed to clean the room.

"You never allow anyone here" I said looking at dad having a certain clue about after everything happened.

"This is your brother's room. It's where we kept everything that has his memories" mom said from behind us.

We went inside the room to see it covered with white cloth but well kept.

I let go of Emma's hand and started looking at things one by one when I heard a loud thud.

"Emma!" I heard my mom's voice and when I turned around I saw her lying on the floor near the wall which held our family portrait.

Though I was curious about how my brother looked but Emma was more important.

I went to her and carried her to my room in the mansion while my dad contacted our family doctor and asked him to come immediately.

After placing her on the bed, we waited for the doctor to arrive while I started pacing around the room unconsciously. Then I heard the room's door open.

Dr. Benjamin came through the door followed by my dad who looked as tensed as everyone.

After checking on her the doctor turned to us.

"It is nothing to worry Mr. King. She fainted due to stress. So let her rest for few hours and she will be fine. I gave her some Vitamins for her body to recover" the doctor said and left from there.

We decided to continue this conversation later so I stayed with her and my parents went back to what they were doing earlier by their schedules.

After four hours I saw her moving and immediately went to her leaving my laptop on the table where I was working.

I can see her looking stressed by the creases formed on her forehead but she was not opening her eyes.

After sometime she started opening her eyes looking around cautiously.

"Emma" I said holding her hand which she jerked away but again I held her hand saying "Emma it's me Asher, everything is fine"

Suddenly she jumped up and hugged me tightly crying her eyes out while I sat there rubbing soothing circles on her back and kissing her head in assurance.

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