Chapter 13.5: May 13, 1987

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"You should totally come see our tour bus!"

Tommy was stumbling out of the diner and shouting over his shoulder to me while I walked along with the rest of the hand. He had brought a few bottles of alcohol from the nearby bar back to the restaurant and we had finished all of them, despite the requests not to and dirty glares from employees. We were all pretty drunk and now making our way down the sidewalk, all leaning on each other for balance.

Vince gasped and nudged my shoulder, "Yeah! Dude, that'd be rad!" I contemplated it, but not for long. I wasn't sober enough to think straight. "Totally! Where is it?" I could see Tommy shrug from in front of me, "I dunno. Probably close by." I giggled a little, nearly tripping over my own feet.

Eventually, after staggering through the streets for a few blocks, we finally found where the Crüe's bus was parked in the lot of a hotel. They mentioned they were staying there, but wouldn't stop insisting on showing me their bus. Nikki and Mick were relatively quiet the whole night, just observing us while we make complete fools of ourselves, despite them drinking too.

Vince tugged on the bus's door handle a few times before the latch gave in and the big metal slab creaked open. I trudged to the silver steps in front of the group, my eyes constantly bouncing around from one thing to another. The first thing I could notice was the mess, obviously. It was pretty trashed, but I kind of expected that. Bottles, cans, wrappers and a shit load of other things polluted every surface of the bus.

"Sorry 'bout the mess. We weren't really expected guests." Vince said from behind me. Mick slid past us after informing his band that he was returning his hotel room. I said 'bye' with a drunken smile and he nodded while stepping off of the bus after saying, "It was nice meeting you. Hope you come to one of our shows sometime." Though he didn't say much, he was very respectful, which I appreciated.

Nikki snaked his arm around my waist while Tommy began kicking aside trash to form a path to the back, where the bunks were. "So, this is the bus. Here we have the kitchen- island included- and to your left we have a table. If you'll follow me to the back of our property, we have the grand master bedroom along with 3 others. Real nice beds, may I add. High end stuff." Tommy directed with a posh voice, guiding us though the crowded bus with confidence.

"You think you could come to one of our shows?" Nikki asked while Tommy continued to ramble about '500 thread count bedding', whatever the hell that meant. "Maybe I'll have to. You guys any good?" I teased, probably getting a little too close to him than my sober self would allow. "That depends on what you're talking about. During our shows?"

"Well, obviously. What else would I be talking about?" I asked, soon realizing, "Oh! Oh, right. I'm sure you're pretty alright at that too." I patted his chest and managed to make my way away from him and to where Tommy had thrown himself into his bunk, half of his leg hanging into the walkway. "T-Bone, c'mon man. We gotta get you to the room." Nikki tugged his band mates leg a bit, getting a groan.

Vince had made himself busy with trying to find a pair of sunglasses, and was quite determined to get them. "Tom! Did you snag my glasses, dude?" he yelled while bent under a table. "No sir." Tommy responded, now towering over me and wobbling slightly. Nikki hooked his arm around the drummer's neck and began tugging him to the front door, "Vince, you'll find them later. It's nighttime, anyway."

Grumbling, Vince also followed us out. "I promise the hotel room is bigger than our bus." Nikki assured while walking into the lobby. I managed to catch the receptionist sending a few flirty winks to the band's direction. Vince stayed back to entertain her while Tommy, Nikki, and I made our way into the elevator. "So, you gonna be spending the night with us, or what?" Nikki asked, leaning against the wall and watching the number on the small screen count up to the floor they were on.

"Woah, Nik! I little.. straightforward, don't you think?" Tommy furrowed his eyebrows while walking out of the elevator, then looking to me and smiling, "Are you, though?" I laughed, for no reason might I add. I was a little too drunk for my own good. "Mmm... give me one good reason each on why I should." I challenged with a smirk. "Hm, alright. I'll play your game, Jimmie. I think you should stay because we could have a hell of a good time tonight." Nikki smirked.

I looked to Tommy and waited for his answer, to which he cleared his throat and straightened his posture a bit, "Well, I believe a fine young thing such as yourself shouldn't have to spend the night alone." I guess I mentioned that I live alone earlier in the night. I sure as hell wouldn't be remembering much of this tomorrow. I shrugged, "I'll think about it." I definitely didn't want to play easy, even with how drunk I was.

"Good enough for me." Tommy shrugged, slipping the key into the lock and turning. With a 'click' and a turned doorknob, Tommy swung open the door to his shared room with Nikki. "Welcome! This is the digs." Tommy announced, spreading his arms out wide and displaying the room like a trophy. It was big, and surely expensive. More than I could afford, that's for damn sure.

"Nice room." I mumbled, throwing myself onto the bed as if I owned the place. Normally, I wouldn't do that. Normally. Tommy followed suit, also launching his long body next to me on one of the beds. Soon enough a knock rapped against the wood of the door. Nikki had also taken a seat on his bed as well, so Tommy had graciously taken up the duty of answering the door.

Upon honoring the door, he let out a enthusiastic, "Ay! Come on in, boys!" "Oh," Nikki turned over to face me, "These are the guys we're touring with. Cool dudes." I nodded, watching the doorway where a line of shadows approached the bed before I could see who was casting them. Once I did, I sobered up in about a half a second.

No fuckin' way.

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