Chapter 15 - Mates

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3 years later

"Mummy, mummy" I woke up to my triplets jumping on my bed.

"Okay am up you little monsters" I said laughing whilst grabbing them and tickling them, my bedroom was full of laughter.

"Do you remember what day it is mummy" my little boy Hunter said with a big smile on his face.

"Let me think, is it a ... birthday?" I asked, they all laughed and nodded " Is it my birthday?" they all shock there head.

"Is it daddy's birthday?" they all laughed and shouted no.

"Is it my beautiful children's birthday?" They all laughed and nodded.

I  sang happy birthday to them as I got them ready, we were going shopping today for toys. 

"Dean could you help and get hunter ready please?" I shouted to my boyfriend.

"Am busy" he shouted back.

"Fine I'll do it myself" I snapped he was really getting on my nerves recently. I got the kids in there shoes and we all went out, Dean had hunter and Mia climbing on him as we walked into the shopping center, I had Annabelle holding onto my hand. 

Just a few minutes into shopping someone bumped Into me and I knew exactly who It was, there were tingles up my arm and there sent hit me like a ton of bricks but soon got melted into all the other scents in this place, i stopped to look behind me but i saw no one. 

"Whats wrong?" Dean asked. 

"Nothing, i thought i saw someone i knew" i told him, i smiled and kept on walking. We were heading to toysRus. 

"So everyone stick together and if you get lost go to one of the desks at the front or go to one of the staff with the blue t-shirts on" i told my children, they nodded and Dean and i followed them towards the younger toys. 

Annabelle's POV

I ran towards the barbie's not noticing that mummy and daddy went with Mia and Hunter towards the cars, I saw this little girl standing by herself crying. 

"Why you crying?" i asked her as i walked up to her, she looked at me and sniffled. 

"I lost my Uncle" she said through hiccups, i looked at her up and down, she had little pink shoes on with a nice little dress, she looked older than me. 

"What age are you?" i asked her. 

"5" she told me, she has stopped crying now. 

"I'm 3" i said showing her with my hands how old i was. 

"There you are Amy, i was so worried" A deep voice said, i looked up to see a tall brown haired man, he gave me a huge grin, "and who do we have here?".

"Annabelle" i said smiling, he took my hand and gave it a little shake. 

"Where's your mummy?" he asked me, i looked around and then shrugged. 

"Mummy went with my brother and sister and daddy" i told him. 

Stanger's POV

This little girl had dark brown hair with big brown eyes and she was so cute, but oddly familiar. I could tell she wasn't human, she has the smell of wolf all over her and not just any wolf my mate.

"Lets go find her then" i said to her, she had little jeans on and a t-shirt. 

"What age are you Annabelle?" i asked her. 

she put her fingers up, "3" she said smiling at me, i took her and Amy's hand and went looking for her mummy, someone i was really anxious to meet. As we turned a corner i locked eyes with my mate, i sniffed the air as i looked her in the eyes. i couldn't believe it.....  

"Victoria?" i asked, her eyes widened> they traveled down my body before landing on the little girl beside me. 

"Mummy we found you" she said before letting go of my hand and running to Victoria. 

"Hi Toby" she said picking up her daughter, i looked at the boy beside her and noticed he was human. 

Tori's POV

Before i knew it Dean was on the ground with a bleeding nose, and Toby was on top of him, i screamed at him to get off Dean but he didn't. 

"Look at them, they don't look like Dean" i shouted at him, he stopped and glanced at the kids who were shaking and crying. 

"Are those my kids?" his husky voice asked, all i could do was nod. My 3 children were almost in fits of tears. 

How could i let them be so scared and i wasn't even moving to get them away from this man because this man was my Mate and there father. 

"How could you not tell me?" he said. He sounded sad, he got off Dean and stood in front of me. 

"I..... i was scared" i stuttered. 

"Scared of me?"  i nodded.

"You only wanted me to play with, and i couldn't let them be rejected" i told him. 

"I wouldn't have done that Victoria" he told me looking me dead in the eyes, all i wanted to do was pounce on him, i could smell his scent and it was mouth watering. 

"What's the other two's names?" he asked. 

"Hunter and Mia" i told him, he smiled and looked at them, his face dropped as he saw how scared they were, "My name is Toby, i am sorry for scaring you" he said kneeling down on the ground in front of them. 

"Mummy who is this?" Hunter asked. 

"This is your other daddy" i told him, he looked at Dean. 

"He isn't my daddy?" he pointed at Dean, i shock my head.

"Not blood related hunny, Toby is your real daddy" i told him, he nodded then looked at Toby. 

"You hurt my mummy" he said, Hunter walked up to Toby and made a weird face at him.

"Yes Hunter i did, but i am here to make up for it" i froze and looked back at Dean, all my feelings for him were now gone. I feel so ashamed. 

Dean was now standing on his feet and looking at me. 

"Tori who is this?" he asked. 

"He is the children's dad" 



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