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You and your friends left your house. You were so annoyed with the two idiots, side by side, playing odd sound on the piano. Even Namjoon. The four of you planned to stay in Jimin's house.

You stopped in a convenience store to buy food. The four of you arrived at his house. You stayed in the car and you saw Jimin's pouty face.

"What's the problem?" You asked.

"My mom is there. She don't want us to stay there," he pouted more, "Sorry guys."

"It's ok Jim," you smiled.

"How about in your place Seokjin-hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Nah, my brother is there with his girlfriend. I hate that bitch so, nah."

"Namjoon?" you asked in puppy eyes. You didn't want to go back to your house with those two.

"My dad is there. We'll just go back to your house, Y/N," he suggested.

"No! I don't want to see the face of my enemy," you frowned, "Eh? Sorry Joonie."


"I hate Somi," you huffed and he just laughed.

"So, where are we now?" Seokjin asked.

You sighed. "Okay! Seokjin, drive to the house."

"Yay!" they cheered.

You went back again to your house and you entered. You sighed in relief when you saw it was only Yoongi in the couch, scrolling on his phone.

"Where's your girl?" Seokjin asked.

Yoongi glanced at you and smiled, "She left after I taught her."

You just rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen to prepare something.

"Y/n! I got wines," Namjoon cheered and you jumped up and down.

"That's why I love you," you exclaimed and hugged him. You saw Yoongi's reaction and you chuckled.

You got glass and sat beside Jimin on the couch. Namjoon poured a glass and handed it to you but it was grabbed by Yoongi.

"I won't let you give Y/n this drink," he coldly said.

"C'mon, Yoongi! Give me that. I didn't even mind you with that bitch, sorry Namjoon," you whined, "Give it back"

He slowly gave you the glass and you drunk it.

All of you, except Yoongi, drank and joking around. Until you were drunk. Your tolerance of alcohol was low so you easily got drunk. Yoongi couldn't manage to see you drunkin that was why he went to his room.

You got dizzy but still can manage yourself.

"Ok, let's play truth and dare," you suggested between hiccups and in drunkin voice.

Your face was so red.

"I agree," Jimin raised his hands.

"Ok, let's play," Namjoon agreed.

He was not drunk together with Seokjin. But you and Jimin were a mess.

You made a circle and you sat beside Jimin. Yoongi came and sat on the couch, watching you.

"Hey brother *hic* You want to join?" you asked and pointed at him.

"He's your brother? *hic* ," Jimin raised a brow.

"He's my crush," you simply shrugged while both Namjoon and Jin chuckled.

"Can you please let Y/n rest? She's so drunk." Yoongi was so pissed at your behavior.

"No! I'm enjoying," you whined.

"Ok, let's play. Do you want to join, Yoongi?" Seokjin asked.

"No, I'll just guard Y/n," he said.

"Ok, umm... Y/n! Truth or Dare?" Seokjin asked.

"Truth," you immediately answered.

"Do you have a crush on someone here?" Namjoon wiggled his brows.

"Yes! *hic* Yes! I have," you cheered.

"Aww! Who is it?" Seokjin asked with a smirk.


Yoongi just facepalmed and sighed at your behavior.

"Do you like him?" Namjoon asked and you nodded, "How much?"

"I don't know," you shrugged and got a glass and poured some wine, "This much."

Jimin clapped his hand like an idiot. Yoongi facepalmed again but a smile formed on his lips.

"Do you have something to say to him?" Jin asked.

"Okay, that's enough! I will put Y/n on her room to rest. And you can leave now," Yoongi stood up and sighed.

"No! No! No! I *hic* will answer him," you whined.

"Let's go, Y/n. You have to rest. You're already wasted," Yoongi said, worriedly.

Seokjin and Namjoon laughed and grabbed Jimin.

"Take care of her, Yoongi, I trust you. Don't you dare do something to my precious little cousin," Seokjin glared and walked out.

Yoongi sighed and stared at you. You were smiling at him like an idiot.

"What will I do to you?"

He sighed and carried you in a bridal style. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck and sniffed his scent while mumbling some words.

He put you down on your bed and covered you with your fluffy comforter.

He was about to turn but you grabbed his wrist and he fell on top of you. You smiled and traced his lips with your finger.

"You know what, Yoongi? I missed your kiss," you smiled.

Your faces were too close, 2 inches away.

"If you are not my step brother, maybe you are now my boyfriend. You look so cool, so handsome, so hot and so precious in my eyes. Well, every girls will see what I see," you smiled and hugged him.

He was dumbfounded at your action. Maybe because you were drunk but he hugged you back.

"It is wrong, Yoongi, but I like you," you whispered and passed out.

It last a minute until Yoongi heard you snoring quietly. He put you back and he gently caressed your cheeks and smiled.

"You're so easy to like too, Y/n."

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