Empty ~ 7

801 45 6

The mission didn't go as well as they thought it would. Having to battle so many Akuma at one time was exhausting.

"I'm so exhausted I could just drop," Allen groaned, spent from the night of helping the village evacuate. It was a trap for the exorcists and the information the Finders reported to Komui wasn't spot on. Most of the information was not there, so after they had reported their findings through a Black Order golem Komui immediately cursed and decided to send back up.

"Then why don't you already," Chaoji replied with a hiss.

"If I did we wouldn't have gotten to safety, now would we?" Allen replied, sarcastically. In return, Chaoji gave him a glare that could've ended him on spot.

"Guys we need to make sure the wounded are attended to," Lenalee stepped in. Her hair a matted mess from all the blood from the Akuma attack.


Allen turned his gaze to Kanda, who was leaning against the wall in exhaustion. He could see that his hair was untied, which framed him all around.

From the fight, all of them were bruised up and very tired. Having the village evacuated was a good idea of Lenalee's part so no one was in the crossfire.

"So what do we do now?" Chaoji asked.

"Well we can start by leaving the Ark, and see the wreckage that was caused by all the fighting," Allen suggested, getting up from the floor with a groan. He had been slashed from the side by a Level 2 Akuma when he wasn't paying attention.

"Are you crazy?! We'd die!" Chaoji hissed back.

Allen just rolled his eyes, limping as he opened the Ark, "we've been in here for hours now. I'm pretty sure the Akuma are gone by now but if you really need reassurance that they are gone, then I'll go first. If I don't come back in three minutes..." Allen trailed off, limping barely through the Arks exit, "well you'll know I'm dead,"

Allen smiled then exited the Ark. As soon as he has he fell to his knees with a painful groan.

Looking around tiredly he noticed that the village was utterly quiet. Silence.

He sighed, crawling to the nearest wall and leaned against it looking up.

"We can keep you safe...Allen," whipping his head to the side he saw Road. The small Noah had tears in her eyes as she looked sadly at Allen, who just smiled back.

"I know," he replied.

"Then why? Why are you still with those who hurt you?" She desperately asked walking towards Allen and kneeling before him.

Allen groaned, holding his bleeding side, "not really sure myself," he let out a small chuckle, "maybe it's because I don't want to betray them as they have betrayed me."

Road glanced at his side and sighed, "Allen, the Earl doesn't want to hurt you. In hurting you he's hurting himself," she said.

Allen just looked at her bewildered. The Earl didn't want to hurt him?


Road looked at the Ark opening, "Every time he sees you hurting it kills him. Every time he sees what the exorcists do to you he wants to destroy their HQ, " she glanced back at him, "the Earl doesn't want to hurt you but you're giving him no other choice! He cries every time he sees you. Sees what the Black Order has done to you Allen! Please take my offer before it's too late!" Road cried holding his bloody hand in hers.

"I-I..." Allen stuttered.

"Just...please give me an answer in two days." She stated, "two days, Allen remember," she disappeared from view, leaving Allen there to himself. He's pretty sure the three minutes were up but he didn't care. He groaned standing up, leaning against the wall for support.

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