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(I swear I'm so mad right now. Music is important for my chapters and Wattpad is deciding to have a midlife crisis and won't let me put them on my chapters, I literally was gonna put sad music on for a change, but Wattpad said 'NooOoOoOooo')

As you can see, this isn't late(kind of)😌


12:34 AM

3rd POV

The beast was using its scent to track his victim. Eventually leading to a one story stone house-hold.

The beast itself was in it's true form, meaning the poor boy was going to be ripped to shreds in the most brutal way possible. Although, according to the beast, he deserves it. He deserves any harm coming his way right now.

The beast opened the window on the side of the house and crawled in. It immediately picked up on the horrendous scent and followed it to a room.

It opened the door and saw the boy sprawled out on the bed with red comforters.

"Found you"

The beast snarled as it walked closer to him. It's teeth were aching to crunch into the boy's bones. Just wanting to shred him apart.

It licked its lips greedily, getting ready.


Flesh, blood, guts, pieces of bones, and body parts. All flying around the room. Screams louder than that of a roaring dragon. Growls deeper than the deep sea.

By the time his neighbors came to check on him, it was too late.

He was all over the room. Bits of his face on the pillows, some of his legs on the dresser, what looks like part of a heart on the bed, and the rest unidentifiable.

Yet still, the young girl across the village sleeps. Unknown of her close friend's death, and of the monster in her room.

Oh what will await her in the morning.


The alarm clock went off.

Lightly smacking it and turning it off, Y/n sits up yawning. She sat there for about five minutes before hopping out of bed.

"Oh! What's this?"

She stepped on what could only be, fur? This confused her as she doesn't own any kind of pet. She was saving money for a kitten, but still there was no current pet in the house-hold.

"Hmmm, maybe an animal got in the house. Could I have left a window open?"

She looked towards the window in her room, and to her "surprise", it was open. Putting her hands on her hips, she tilted her head a bit to the side looking at the window.

"I could of swore I closed it... Well, it doesn't matter! I'll just clean this up then get ready for work. Hopefully Matt can get there on time today."

She walked to her kitchen and grabbed the sweep and sweep pan.

After cleaning up the fur by her bed, she found that some were kind of wet. Deciding to ignore this, she threw it away and started to get ready for work.

Putting on a simple black dress that hugged the top of her chest and shoulders and flowed out to her knees.

Fixing her hair then putting on her beige flats, she walked out of her house with her small hand bag with straps around her neck.

Skipping to her bakery, still unaware of the death of her close friend, she becomes confused with the depressing atmosphere in her town.

Slowing down, she walks over to a father of two little girls.

"Excuse me, did something happen last night?"

"You don't know? Matt was found dead and in pieces in his room. The only explanation was a big animal. I'm sorry for your loss"

The man walked away after giving her an apologetic smile. Everyone knew their relationship and how she was going feel after hearing these news and knew that she was going to need all the comfort she can get.


Y/n just felt like her entire world stopped. Just figuring out her best friend died, how could she possibly move on with her day?!

The towns people noticed her facial expression and approached her.

"Dear, come here, come hear, you'll get through this. How bout you keep your bakery closed today and have some time to get better. Take all the time you need"

The elderly woman said softly as she hugged the now crying girl.

On the other side of the street stood the man responsible for all of this. He didn't like how the girl weeped for the boy, but he'll allow it for now.

But later on he will have to teach her that he eliminates others for a reason and she will have to accept that.

He took his chances and went over to comfort her. She was just separating from the old woman as the older one had business to do that day.


She turned around and found the man she went to the meadows with the other day.

"Oh, um, hi Zachary..."

Y/n didn't really feel like speaking right now. All she wanted to do was go home and cry.

"I heard about your friend. I'm really sorry for your loss. How bout we go to your house and I'll take care of you. I'll let you cry on my shoulder and we can cuddle."

The beast was speaking softly to make her feel more safe. Although he already knew that his voice alone made her feel a bit better.

The mate bond is stronger than one might think and after today, she'll feel much better than she would if he wasn't there.

Although if he wasn't here, the boy wouldn't be dead at all.


"Thank you Zachary. I really appreciate you right now." She said as he handed her some tomato soup he whipped up in the kitchen.

Y/n has a fairly big garden in her backyard for vegetables and he just took some tomatoes from there.

He didn't quite understand why there was no berry plants, but he didn't push on it. I mean, he wouldn't of found her if she had her own berries to pick from instead of going in his forest.

He sat down next to her and she cuddled into him, wanting as much comfort from others as possible.

Y/n was usually a pretty independent person, but when it comes to times like this, she desperately needs other people to be with her.

And with her parents out of town with her grandmother, Zachary is all she really has right now.

She took some sips from her soup, trying to keep in her sobs. But miserably failed. She set the bowl down and sobbed on his chest.

Yet he didn't like what came out of her mouth.

"I-I loved him..."
So technically this isn't late because it's still the day that I upload. It's just later in the day.

Today I woke up and we immediately went to Bass Pro Shops(if you're American, you know exactly what that is), then we went to lunch, got home at like 1:30 PM, had to do homework, then cook dinner as my mother and stepdad do fucking nothing for their 6 children in the house, then I made cake, then I took a shower. AND THEN I DID THIS!

Suggestions and constructive criticism are accepted:)

See y'all next time

Love ya

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