Chapter 8 🌘 New Day

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Abigail pov.

I wake to a new day.

I'm feeling fresh out the shower and a bit perked up.

"Ma'am your breakfast awaits."

"Thank you Evack"

It's just me and Evack this morning and it qurks my curiosity.

"Where's captain this morning?"

"He's dealing with some important matters this morning ma'am."

"Okay. Should I be worried maybe scared? How do I know we arnt gonna be killed?"

"Captian wouldn't allow it ma'am."

"That's real comforting...ya."

I not frantically.

"That's great to hear ma'am."

I mentally roll my eyes.

My son has no since of sarcasm.

I wonfer if I could reprogram him to my sarcastic ways.

I mentally smile to myself of all the things I could make him say.

Like instead of captian how about Mr. Ass O.


I'd get in trouble instead.

It would be my butt on fire.

I shouldn't corrupt my kid.

It's too mean.

Even for me.

"Maybe you'd like to deliver thr captian breakfast yourself ma'am."

Would I?



For Christ sakes!

I just give him my fuck off glare.

I'm completely fine if he starves ta death.

I do have to wonder though if he dies do I?

That sure can make a girl change her mind.

I don't want to die.

Now I wonder do aliens go to heaven?

Where do they go when they die?

How long will he live?

How old is he?

That's kinda disturbing!

"Okay I've decided I will take him breakfast but if I get into trouble it's all your fault Evack."

I point my pointer finger at him.

"I'm sure the captian would love to see you. It would make his day."


He gives me the directions and I'm on my lone some way.

I'm a tad nervous.

Okay...a lot nervous.

I don't even know if he slept at all last night.

He's probably still angry with me.

Why else would he miss breakfast?

I make my way to the captins door and I pause.

Should I really do this.

Why am I doing this?

I deside not to knock.

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