chapter 18

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Happy reading beautifuls...

"Maine pighla dya pattharon ko
Ek tera dil pighalta nahi hai..💔"

Author's p.o.v

"I don't want any type of explanation Miral!!"
Zarar roared.

"Atleast listen to me for once zar..."

"I said already I am not interested. It's over!!!"

"No Zarar!! You can't do this to me. You promised me that you won't change!!!"
Miral cried out.

"I am Zarar Ahmed Khan divorcing you, Miral Mansoor in complete consciousness."
He gritted his teeth.


Miral sat up shouting.

Her eyes were wet while sweat was dripping from her face and neck.

" What happened Miral?"
Zarar asked in husky voice.

"Na..nothing!! Just a bad dream!"
She soghed and gulped a glass of water in one breath.

" Are you afraid?"
Zarar asked looking at her state.

She nodded.

"Come here!!"
He said holding his arms out.

Miral sighed and slipped in his arms.

Moments passed but Miral was still in her dream.

"Come on life!! It was just a dream!!"
Zarar pulled her closer and rolled them on bed sandwiching her completely between him and bed.

"Still afraid?? Huh?"
He asked huskily planting a feathery kiss on her neck.

" No!!"
She smiled and h8de her face in his chest.

He smiled against her skin snuggling o
more into her.


"Miral!! Where is my coat yar??"
Zarar was wailing and looking for this  while putting whole room upside down.

"Coming Zararr!!"
Miral , who was in kitchen and preparing his breakfast shouted.

"This girl... whata re these reports doing in her cupboard?"
Zarar murmured looking at a familiar envelop.

"Here take this and let me find ypur coat."
Miral said coming in room with his breakfast tray.

Zarar quickly gife that envelop behind him.

"Whata are you hiding?"
Miral raised brow at him.

"Na..nothing!! Why are you asking?"
Zarar stuttered.

"Show me!!"
Miral marched towards him.

"Its nothing!!"

"Let me see!!"
Miral tried to snatch envelop while he held his hand in air.

In this quest wnvelop alipped down hia hand and without wasting a moment Miral took it.

"What were you doing with my reports??"
Miral wriggled brows at him.

Zarar turned his face cause he knew that he can't hide it anymore.

"Please don't shout but I couldn't tell you this!!"
He sighed.

"This what??"

"This.. that you won't be able to live longer..."
He whispered.

Miral shouted on her lungs.

Her Dreams!!! ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon