The Earth Queen: Part 1

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A/N: I don't normally promote my other fics here but I've just published the first part of another reader X Iroh II fan fic, it's called "those amber eyes", it'd be cool if you'd check it out, but no pressure <3

Iroh's POV
As Y/N and I made our way through the halls of the Earth Kingdom palace, I noticed that she kept holding her breath for moments before exhaling; I pulled her hand into mine and asked,

"You nervous?"

She nodded,

"It's one thing speaking to ministers and councilmen, but the Earth Queen is literally royalty, that's terrifying."

I raised an eyebrow at her,

"Do you find me terrifying?"


"Do you find my family terrifying?"


"So, why are you worrying? She's just another person."

I do admit, I'm not the biggest fan of the Earth Queen, she's a bit of a control freak and thinks she's above everyone else.

Y/N sighed,

"I guess you're right."

I smiled at her before we made our way into the throne room, the queen didn't even bother looking to us, she screwed her face up,

"Who thinks they're so important that they can just barge into my throne room unannounced!?"

Her timid advisor mumbled,

"Prince Iroh of the Fire Nation, your majesty."

She raised an eyebrow and turned to us and we bowed.

"Prince Iroh, what is the meaning of this?"

I stood back up and started,

"Please forgive me for my unannounced visit, I come with urgent news from the city of Omashu."

Y/N stood up and continued,

"You see, your majesty, the citizens-"

"And who are you?"

"Oh, well, I'm the general's aide."

"So why would you deem yourself worthy to speak with me when you weren't spoken to?"

I interjected and placed my hand on Y/N's shoulder,

"Queen Hou-Ting, I'd expect and appreciate you treating my lover and aide with the same respect you show to me, especially considering we are here to aid in affairs concerning you and you kingdom."

The queen then raised her chin,

"I see, well then, continue."

Y/N then cleared her throat,

"Well, the citizens of Omashu and also those of smaller towns and villages across the Earth Kingdom have begun to riot and rebel, we fear that eventually, this growing rebellion will make it's way to Ba Sing Se, your citizens may attempt to overthrow you. The United Forces have stabilised the situation for now, but we really need your help."

She frowned,

"Why would you bother me with this nonsense? I have leaders positioned in every settlement in my kingdom to keep such insignificant problems internalised. You aren't needed."

I then objected,

"Actually, your leaders have all been overthrown."

Her eyes slightly widened,

"So, what are you suggesting, Prince Iroh?"

I gestured to Y/N, who then explained,

"We'd like you to send Earth Kingdom soldiers to take over in stabilising the rioting, and have them strictly enforce some of your existing laws upon the citizens to make it clear that despite the fact that we're in a dark age, awaiting the next avatar, balance and order still must be kept in the Earth Kingdom."

"Would it not make more sense to keep my armies here? I'll need protection if this means I'll have rebels attempting to overthrow me."

I responded,

"Actually, your majesty, it would be more efficient to prevent a rebellion making it's way into Ba Sing Se than it would be to handle the issue after it has grown worse."

She tapped her long nails against the side of her throne.

"I'll speak it over with my advisor. Have your armies continue to stabilise the rioting, I'll make a decision in three days time."

"Queen Hou-Ting, I must insist you make your decision sooner, my army has other commitments and my soldiers need time to rest."

She sighed,

"Two days. Now please, leave the palace, I was rather busy until you barged in."

I bowed before following her advisor out of the door,

"I'll have a member of the Dai Li escort you to a home for you to stay in."

"Thank you, could you do the same for the other soldiers who accompanied us to the city, please?"

"Of course, Prince Iroh."

We arrived at an elegant home in the upper ring of the city, Y/N traced her hand along the frame of the mirror,

"Wow, whoever designed this place has exquisite taste."

I ran up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing her cheek, then I looked at her through the mirror in front of us,

"You did really well today, I'm proud of you."

"She didn't even want to speak to me, though."

"Oh, don't take that to heart, she's like that with everyone, most of the world leaders cannot stand her."


I nodded as I nuzzle my head into her neck.

"Well, I can't stand her either, she's so rude and so self absorbed, ugh."

I pulled my head up and span her around using her hips, so she was facing me,

"Me neither, my love."

I pecked her lips and she smiled before asking,

"How about a walk through the upper ring then?"

"For you, of course."

She grinned before grabbing my hand abs pulling me out of the front door.

Being with her, it felt so right. Her hand felt like it was made to be in mine, her smile was like medicine and her embrace felt like home.

She turned to me as we walked with our hands intertwined,

"So, have you been here before?"

"A few times, there's a tea shop here that General Iroh I founded, The Jasmine Dragon."

"It's kind of funny how you were both generals, it'll probably be really confusing in history books."

I shrugged,

"My sister is named after my great grandmother too, I guess my family just has a thing for reusing names."

"If you had kids one day, what would you want to name them?"

"Hmm, I'm not completely sure. What do you think?"

Y/N's cheeks dusted a light pink as she turned away,

"Oh, I- have no idea."

"Hmm, well, do you wanna talk about it?"

"O-okay, sure."

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