Chapter 26: Would You Like To Be My Big Spoon?

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"So thank you for taking a chance on me
I know it isn't easy
But I hope to be worth it."

Song: Next to Me ~ Imagine Dragons


26. Would You Like To Be My Big Spoon?

I opened my eyes slowly and turned to face the other way. It was still early, and Jacob was still asleep, looking as peaceful as ever.

He's been through so much.

So many people have been through hell, but you don't see them throwing their lives away, do you Shayley?

Why are you throwing away yours?

I needed to be better. I just wish I knew how.

Jacob's lips turned upwards slightly. "Are you watching me sleep?"

I chuckled. "Depends. Is that creepy?"

With his eyes still closed, he reached out and put his arm around me, pulling me close. I smiled as my head rested under his chin, and put my arm around him too.

"If I could stay here forever, I would," I admitted.

He only chuckled.

Tell him how you feel Shayley.



I hesitated. "Um...thanks."

"You don't need to keep thanking me," he said.

I sighed. "I know."

I buried my face in his chest, and then closed my eyes again.


"Liam, stop bothering the poor thing," Tess said.

"But he's looking at me funny," Liam said, scowling at one of the ducks in a nearby pond.

"It didn't exactly end well for you the last time you went against a duck," I reminded him.

"That was not a fair fight and you know it."

"I can't believe you guys made me go hiking," Jess groaned.

"Oh come on Jess, it's the great outdoors," Shawn said.

"I'd like to be great indoors," she remarked.

"Jess, you're not even walking," Austin said. "I've been carrying you for like a mile now."

"Aw, do you want me to carry you?" she joked and pecked his cheek.

He just chuckled and kept walking.

"Liam, stop," Renée laughed. "Tickle me one more time and I'll kill you."

Please, like you could ever get rid of me," he smirked.

"I'll just find someone else to be my little spoon," she threatened.

Liam gasped. "You wouldn't."

Renée nodded. "Oh but I would."

"Shawn, would you like to be my big spoon?" he asked.

Shawn rolled his eyes. "No."

Liam smiled sheepishly at Renée. "Whatever you want."

I laughed to myself. Sometimes I felt bad when I had my happy moments. For a brief moment I forgot my sadness.

I didn't think about Cameron.

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