Chapter 21

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Sam and I reach Kendall and Scott's backyard. They did a fantastic job with decorating. Silver and red balloons are covering the archway that leads into their yard. There are silver and red balloon bouquets everywhere. They have several tables with silver tablecloths and rose centerpieces, similar to our reception's decoration.

Kendall sees us enter and runs over to us. "Welcome!!"

Benny is running behind her with his arms already up towards me. "Mal, Mal!"

"Hey, Little Man." I scoop him right up and squeeze him.

Sam reaches over and ruffles his hair. "Hey, Bud! Are you staying for the party?"

Benny looks at Kendall. "Paree! I stay, Mama?"

She smiles at her son. "No, baby. Nana is coming to get you for a sleepover, remember?"

"Seep over, Nana!" Benny claps his hands.

He wiggles out of my arms and runs over to Scott. "Dada, seep over, Nana?"

I watch Scott pick up Benny. "Oh my God, Ken! Can he get any cuter!?"

"He keeps me on my toes. His cuteness gets him out of too much trouble," Kendall laughs.

Sam quips, "Just like me."

I look over at Sam and raise my eyebrows at him. "Your comparing yourself to a two-year-old?"

"Uh, yeah! There's not an age limit on cuteness, Mallory. If you got it, you got it," Sam proclaims.

I grin. "You're so adorable that I can't argue with you."

He smiles at me, places his arm around my shoulders, and kisses my head.

Kendall rolls her eyes. "Okay, lovebirds, can I grab you two a drink?"

Sam gives me an evil grin. "Of course, make Mal's a double of the strongest thing you have."

Kendall looks at me to confirm the drink order that Sam gave her.

"If you're getting me a double, get one for my man too."

"Okay..." Kendall walks away from us to get our drinks.

I turn to Sam. "You do know that you don't have to get me drunk for me to want to pull your ass into a dark room and have my way with you."

Sam looks at me, surprised. "Giving up already? We just got here."

"Well, you know what they say about being cute..."

He laughs and pulls me closer as we make our way to greet the guests.


"Baby... Baaabbbyyy..." I look around for Sam.

He calls out, "Over here, my love!"

I drunk walk my cute ass over to my man.

I grab his arm for support. "Hey..."

"Hey! Feeling good, Mal?" He wraps his arm around me.

"Yup!! Really good." I give him a sloppy kiss and lose my balance.

Sam pulls me into his chest to steady me. "It looks like you were losing your ass at flip cup tic tac toe."

"I lost??" I ask incredulously.

"I believe you did, Babe," he laughs.

"Noooooo!!" I literally can't grasp that I lost. I was kicking ass.

"Yep! I watched the whole damn thing." He smirks, and I want to fuck him right where he stands.

"Knowww wwhhat??"

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