Chapter 43

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A/N go re read chapter 42 before reading this -.- it was re edited -.- go

Hayden's Pov


My heart pounded through the veins of my neck, I felt it tremble a little bit as I turn the knob of the office door, I wondered what punishment she had for me. A slap on the wrist, a spank on the ass or maybe.. My ticket out of here.

Yep, I was really imagining things.

The room was darker than I expected, not a light was on but the dust partlices floated with the small peek of sunlight that was escaping through the curtains. Was this women literally the devil?

Everyone's worrying about if God's a woman when I have the devil in front of me. Something in the back of my head wanted to test her faith and find out how truly evil she was. I closed the door behind me and went to sit.

"Stand, you don't deserve to sit" She hissed

Well shit, okay mami-

I couldn't see her appearance, the office chair was turned to face the window where the sun escaped, but I could see the top of her head being exposed just a little. I slowly got up from the chair I apparently wasn't worthy of. Damn bitch, it's not like your hair even had a handle or some shit.

What does she think she's running? A Prison? Because even the prison servers on roblox was far better than her authority. I didn't say anything even though I wanted too, I didn't want to make things worst, I guess I was changing afterall

Maturity comes in different experiences

Or it's trauma. Oh well

"Now, What gives you the right to put your hands on my daughter?" She said very calm.

My neck sunk and my brows stitched together, the veins in my forehead all pulling together as I allowed the information to sink in. Ruby was her fucking daughter? Jesus Christ, the world wasn't a real place.

The devil comes in different forms sometimes.

"I asked you a question" She said a little harder.

"I- I-" I stuttered I really didn't know what to say, I was dumbfounded.

" I, I, I, that's all you can say huh?" She said disgusted.

The woman then spun in her seat to face me, her dark eyes gave me a feeling to swallow a lump in my throat, her knuckles gripped the ends of the table as she hunched over to stare into the void of my little gay soul

Her palm slammed flat against the table and startled me, her heels echoed through the room as she slowly clocked them, walking towards the door, I noticed that the veins in her neck were viable, she really was pissed

She then went outside for a while, perhaps to cool her mind. I swore I would have choked a bitch out if she laid hands on me but those dark eyes were enough to paralyze me. There's always someone with such an intimidating gaze that would make even the strongest of man, a puddle in their boot.

I was beginning to think that she forgot about me, just like my mother-

Oops, too soon

Unfortunately she didn't. The headmistress came back inside the room and she wasn't carrying handcuffs or blindfolds so I knew I wasn't getting any action today

But instead, she came in with the same guards that brought me here.

"Take her to Solitary Confinement" She said

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