Chapter 15

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excuse any mistakes

Tyree | Ty
Oakland, TN

"Hello guys! Are you India?" The nurse came in and India nodded. We were at her 20 week doctors appointment.

"Hello and you are..." The nurse turned to me.

"Tyree and that's my sister Kaymoni." I said shaking her hand.

"Hi." Kay waved. She wanted to come so bad and India nice ass talked me into it.

"Alrighty, my name is Anna and i'm your OB nurse." We nodded.

"So how have you been feeling lately?" The nurse asked India putting on her gloves.

"Good overall, just a little heartburn here and there." The nurse nodded before taking India's blood pressure, height, and weight.

"This will be a little cold." The nurse said applying that gel shit.

"Aww that's the baby right der?" Kay asked getting up to see the screen better.

"Yup." The nurse nodded. "145 heartbeat, that's good."

"That there is the babies nose." The nurse pointed at the screen showing us.

"Aww." India and Kay said at the same time.

"Look Ty that's yo big headed son." Kay nudged my shoulder and India giggled.

Should've left ha ass at home.

"Ok well your baby looks perfect. Do you know the gender?" She asked cleaning off the gel from India's belly.

"A boy." I said proudly.

She nodded. "Have a name yet?"

"Not yet."

"Ok then." The nurse said. "Do you have any questions for me?" She asked and we shook our heads no.

"Alrighty well everything looks great, you and your baby are healthy. I'm gonna go get your ultrasound pictures and you can be ok your marry way." She explained before walking out and bringing the pictures.

"I'll see you again in four weeks." She shook our hands and we left.

Jakari | Tank
Memphis, TN

"Hello, hello." The nurse walked in.

"Good morning." My mom stood up to hug her.

"Hello." She turned to me. "I don't think we've met?"

"Yea that's my son Jakari and you already know John." My mom introduced us. I threw ha a head nod and my uncle shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you Jakari! You can call me Nurse Lucy or just Lucy, whatever you'd like." I nodded and she sat in the chair.

"Let's get started shall we." She opened her laptop and looked through the folder she had. "How have you been feeling, Jasmin?" She asked my mom.

"I've been better i guess. Just taking it day by day."

"Positive attitude remember. It goes a long way." My mom nodded.

"Ok from what i'm seeing here you've had your Port-a-Cath fitted, right?"

"Yes ma'am and the IVF." The nurse walked over to see.

"Good so we can start talking about your Chemotherapy-"

"Wait she doing that- you doing that?" My uncle asked.

"My consultant said it would be best before the Lumpectomy."

"He did give you your options?" The nurse asked.

"Yup and gave me a day to think on it. I came back and asked him what he thought was best and he said Chemo first."

"What's a Lumpectomy?" I asked. In here using these big ass words, a nigga can't een keep up.

"Essentially its the surgery operation where we remove the lump for the breast." She explained and i nodded, slowly understating what's going on now.

"I don't know if your consultant already went over everything but do you guys have any questions for me? Anything about the sessions, recovery and ect?"

"How long is recovery?" I asked.

"I usually tell my patients that it takes about two months of recovery time for every one month of treatment before you'd even have the energy for another session." She started.

"After all your 6 sessions of Chemotherapy it should take up to 6 months to recover from that. Everyone's different tho so i cannot off the bat say it'll be like that for you." She explained.

"And the Lumpectomy?"

"Well if everything goes well, which it will." She glanced at my mom. "Honestly no more than a week."

"Ok." My mom sighed.

"Any more questions?"

"I'm good." I said before looking over at my moms and uncle. The shook their head.

"Well that's it for this visit. You know not to be doing a lot of moving and definitely no working or traveling."

"I know, i know." My mom said. "Thank you."

"No need! I'll see in in 2 weeks for our first session." She smiled and held open the door for us.

"Have a nice one." My uncle shook her hand.

"You too."

"2 weeks.. lemme put that in my phone." My uncle pulled out his phone.

"Where you finna head off too?" My mom asked me as i was walking her to the car.

"Spend the day wit my mom." I threw my arm over her shoulder.

"JOHN!" She called out getting his attention. "We finna go out ta eat you coming?"


Kaymoni | Kay
Somerville, Tn

"Aww look at the precious wittle baby." Pooh said looking at India's ultrasound pictures.

Aaliyah laughed at her baby voice. "So Tyree, how you feel bout being a father?"

"The fucker ain't her yet." He threw ha hand off when she patted his shoulder.

"AH the fuck-"

"Call my baby a fucker again." India snapped at him and smacked the back of his neck.

"I was just fucking playing." He huffed rubbing the spot.

"Ooh boy i know that shit stung." I bussed out laughing alongside Aaliyah and Pooh.

"That's the first time i ever heard you cuss." Pooh said.

Ty mumbled some shit under his breathe and India started to get up.

"Dawg sitcho ass down." He chuckled putting his feet up.

"Scary ass." Pooh said.

"Mane all y'all really leave." He sucked his teeth.

"YOU LEAVE!" We all yelled at him simultaneously.

"Notchall tryna gang up ona nigga." He jumped up and we laughed.


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