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Ryker had an arduous day. Investing his time in resolving internal pack issues—finances, waterworks, electricity, approval to build, and so on. Matters he had pushed aside for several days. He didn't realize how much he had to follow back on until it was nearly dark.

When he finally could break away from everyone, he was more than relieved and a little eager? He had been thinking about Mary all day and every time he thought about her, he mentally scolded himself for it.

Who the hell cares if she was comfortable in her cabin?

Why did he need to make sure she receives clean sheets?

Why was it his concern that Abraham and Gary follow her around today, making sure she was comfortable with his pack members?

Then he told himself it was his duty. Even thinking about that excuse made him want to beat himself up. Duty? Since when did he give two fucks about duty?

At the end of the day though, Ryker walked past her cabin. When he saw the lights in her home were not on and it looked empty, he stopped to knock on her door. There was no sound on the other side.

Now, his mind was flying with a million questions. He had specifically told Abe and Gary to give her a tour around the area and bring her back. How the hell was it taking them this long?

Then his mind wandered to other things. Did they run into trouble? Was the pack giving them a hard time?

Shoving his hand into his pocket, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Abe's number, but there was no answer.

Left with no choice, Ryker waited for their return. An hour went by before he heard talking in a distance. From the animate conversation, it was obviously the three of them he heard. His head lifting to look in the direction he was hearing them from.

They looked amicable together. None of them noticed him until they stood before him.

It didn't take long before Abe and Gary left. They dropped Mary's shopping bags on the kitchen counter before they left.

Now, it was just Mary and Ryker. Pink tinted her cheeks. Her eyes were glassy from fatigue and judging from the alcoholic smell that mixed with her scent, she was a little buzzed or drunk.

"I understand that drinking on my first day here is not a good impression. I should have known better and just gone out to do what I set out to do, but I didn't realize how quickly these drinks up in these necks of woods can be. I don't know what you guys put in there, but it is delicious, "she rambled.

Ryker watched her sway on her feet while talking.

"I told myself one drink, you see--- I just remembered, I met a kind elderly male. He is a sweet male. Gave me some eggs. His name is Luis, do you know him?"

Of course, Ryker knew him. Luis and Doris were a sweet couple who settled in his pack for many years now. The two were wandering rogues that found each other before they came here. They have a son was about Mary's age.

Mary continued to ramble and waving her hand. Turning on her feet, she was walking in a zigzag manner to the living room sofa. Plopping down, she sighed, leaned her head back, and closed her eyes.

"Lord, I will need to get used to all this walking. I am exhausted and out of shape, "she grumbled and then fell silent with her eyes closed.

For a few minutes, he thought she had fallen asleep, but then she shoots up from leaning against the sofa and looked at him.

"There is something—something I need to tell you," she blurted.

Standing up, Mary walked to stand in front of him. Ryker couldn't resist the attraction. Oddly enough she looked adorable. Talks a little much, but adorable.

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