Chapter 6

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I follow blindly behind Hayden, deep into the woods, ignoring my inner self-consciousness. Against my better judgment.

We can barely hear the noise from the bonfire by the time we come to a halt. We're surrounded by large, thick trees and mossy overgrowth. Big fat wide vines cover the exposed ground and have begun to inch their way up the trunks of the nearby trees.

I can't see much. It's darker in here than I had realized. The moonlight is scarcely peeking in through the crowded trees. It creates a sort of glowing light, unmasking everything it touches. A cool breeze rushes past. My entire body begins to shiver in response. Between not having warmer clothing and my anxiety, I am trembling uncontrollably.

My mind is racing. I have a million thoughts swirling around in my head.

"You know, just because you like to have fun, it doesn't make you a whore. It's all about how you present yourself that does that. And you don't come across as one to me," he smiles down at me. Hearing his voice breaks the trance I had been in, relaxing my nerves.

The scent of his cologne engulfs me as he inches closer. He smells so good. A hint of sandalwood mixed with the aroma of a cool ocean breeze. It's refreshing, yet sexy at the same time.

One part of my brain knows he's saying that to get what he wants. The other side doesn't care either way. It wants the same thing he does.

Without warning, he uses his body, pushing me back up against the nearest tree. I can feel his heart racing in his chest. Knowing that I excite him and he wants me, turns me on.I love the feeling you get when you know someone wants you. Even if it is only for sexual gratification. It's even more of a rush when you want them in return. It makes me feel powerful. Like I have all the control. I'm in charge.

"You sure about this? I can stop if you want," he asks.The warmth of his breath on my neck sends goosebumps over all my exposed skin. Without responding, I inhale sharply, biting my lower lip. He takes my silence as reassurance.

His lips graze against my neck. They're just like I had imagined, soft and smooth. Every nerve in my body feels like they're on fire, burning with desire.

My self-consciousness is jumping up and down right now,waving a big red sign screaming NO.

My body and mind are telling me yes.

All my inner thoughts are slowly evaporating as my raging hormones are taking over. I haven't been with anyone or allowed them to touch me since Johnny.

I want this. I need this. My mind goes blank.

Without saying a word, I turn my face towards him. My lips touch his. It's like an electrical current. He's a magnet, and my body is being pulled toward him. I'm helpless against my emotions.

My body wants him and I know he wants mine.

I can feel the lump in his pants growing against my leg as I lean in closer. It feels huge. I'm lost in feelings of sexual frustration and desire. Nothing else in the world matters at this exact moment.

It's wrong what I'm doing, and I know it is. I'm going against everything that I know is right. But I don't care.

His lips feel so good against mine. Like they are meant to be there. His tongue presses on my lower lip, causing it to open partially. This allows him access to slide his tongue between my lips. He tastes so sweet. Despite the fact he had been drinking, he tastes like spearmint. With a tiny hint of the beer, he had been sipping on remaining.

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