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      I'm covered in a layer of sweat, my muscles twitching as Sam pins me to the ground. I let out a groan. This is the sixth time she's pinned me.

"Shit." I give her shoulder two quick taps and she releases me.

"That was better!" She flashes that signature smile and helps me to my feet.

"I thought you were gonna go easy on me," I joke.

She passes me a water bottle. "I guess I got carried away."

My cheeks flush. Sam's been flirting with me since morning but, by the looks of it, she flirts with everyone. Or, at least everyone who isn't male.

"I'm exhausted," I attempt to change the subject. "Do you guys always train this hard?"

She shakes her head and wipes her forehead with a hand towel. "Burke's been pushing us extra since you've been here. Probably wants to get you ready for the field."

"Greene." The voice comes from behind me.

I turn to find Burke, startled by her appearance.

"What went wrong there?" Her tone is level.

Sam takes a step back and raises an eyebrow at me.

"I um."

You've got me paired with someone four inches taller than me who has muscles the size of my head.

"Square up," she orders.

My eyes go wide. No one ever spars with Burke. No one even really touches Burke. My heart is pounding in my chest as she takes a step closer.

"Flesh Eaters will try to get you on the ground before they attack," she explains, grabbing my shoulders. "Stop me." She moves a leg behind mine and drops me with ease. Before I can even think to react. "That's okay. Next, they'll almost always go for your neck. They like to rip jugulars out with their teeth."

She straddles me, her hands on my shoulders. "Pretend I'm a Flesh Eater. I'm going to bite your neck. How do you stop me?"

"Why would she want to?" someone scoffs.

The group of bystanders erupts into giggles. Someone whistles.

Burke blushes but ignores them.

I buckle her arm and pull her to the ground, switching our positions, and pulling the fake gun from my holster. I point the gun at her head but my hands are shaking. A hint of pride forms in my chest even though Burke is letting me have the upper hand.

"Great job, Greene." Burke smiles. "The Flesh Eaters are strong and usually the size of full-grown men. Use their weight against them."

I breathe a sigh of relief, climb off Burke awkwardly, and extend a hand to her.

She waves me off and springs to her feet.

"My turn, Boss." Sam steps forward and motions for Burke to come closer.

Burke's lips pull into a curious grin. "You know I don't train with The Rangers, Sam."

Sam's hands drop to her waist. "You trained with Charlie."

Burke lets out a slow breath. "I stepped in because it was obvious that you were too preoccupied with your own skillset to actually train our newest recruit."

Everyone is silent, waiting for Sam to clap back.

Instead, Burke and Sam stare at each other until Burke says, "You guys are dismissed. Those of you assigned rounds, meet me in the cafeteria. The rest of you, get some sleep and carb up. We're in The Wild tomorrow."

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