Chapter 1 Our "Encounter"

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(Y/n) POV
It's dark. Probably because I have a blindfold on.. and I wonder why people call me blind.

I have been kidnapped, I, (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n) have been kidnapped yet with how irresponsible I am I feel as if it was bound to happen.

It would be quite simple to get me since for one thing, I live alone, yet my mother is a big believer in being independent and not counting on others so you can believe that she loves, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." And just fell in love with the song 'Almost There' from Princess and the Frog. The second reason is how I'm usually on my phone or spacing out... I don't pay attention much, only in things I find interesting.

I know my mom loves me but she has a very hard shell after having many... unfortunate breakups—7 in all—. She's part of the reason I'm so clingy to people I have a crush on. Pathetic, so attention and affection starved I chase after people who don't even like me. I sigh and get back to the situation at hand.

It's cold and mildly quiet, probably in a basement since the only sound is a familiar AC booting up.

Suddenly the door opens and the tapping of feet echo in the room. I start to struggle—and feel a painful rope burn coming on—. Now I know this seems dumb but I'm quite smart- despite what my school grades may tell you. I'm assuming if I'm annoying enough I'll hear the voice of whoever thought it was smart enough to kidnap a lousy girl like me.

"Oh no! Baby please stop doing that! You'll end up hurting yourself!" She had a very nice and fluffy sounding voice... if that's a thing. Fortunately for me I know exactly who that voice belongs too.

Kirikaku Minako. The assistant student nurse from my high school, Tanobu Sakura Academy or TSA for short. It's a high school that neighbors TSAC which is, Tanobu Sakura Academy College. The high ranks or whatever decided to make them together figuring that more students would want to attend assuming most people wouldn't want to go through the trouble of finding a college farther away. The students that go there are smart... like straight A smart, not me smart. Where am I going with this?

Right Kirikaku Minako but everyone calls her Kiri or Mina. She's super smart and got an early scholarship in nursing and doctor stuff. So since they couldn't find a loophole to get her into TSAC they are giving her points for keeping straight A's and helping students whom are sick or hurt. You know, nurse things.

She's usually shy when you first meet her but she's very nice when you get to know her. How do I know so much about her? I told you, I only focus on things I'm interested in. I think you see where I'm getting at, and no I'm not a stalker... probably.

I stop struggling immediately and nod, "So quick." I hear her mumble, clearly hearing the surprise. I hold in my laughter—since this is probably not the best time to be laughing—.

She clears her throat, "I'm sorry I had to tie you up darling." She giggles, "But since killing is such a hassle, I thought it would just be easier to snatch you up!" I nod.

"Can you take this blindfold off Kiri-.... darling ..." I mutter the last part, 'What am I doing?' I hear her make a noise as she takes slowly takes off blindfold.

I blink, finally meeting my kidnapper.... cute kidnapper. 'No! Bad (Y/n)! Bad!' She has a hard blush on her cheeks, causing me to blush.

I cough getting her attention, "Ah! So... you know my name.." She suddenly gets a fearful look in her eyes as she remembers. I nod, "You're quite famous in the first years and it definitely travels to us third years." I nod at her implying the both of us as me and her are third years. You see, my school has first years, second years, third years, and fourth years. The extra fourth year is needed if you want to attend the college.

She slowly nods, "Uhm... why are you not talking about-" She nods her head around the basement, "-this?" I shrugged, "I mean.. I'm assuming you did this because you like me. I watch anime." 'I watch anime?! Really (Y/n)?! That was so lame?! What girl wants to hear that!!!'

She bursts into red and hesitantly nods, "I-I do.." I nod, "I like you too." She suddenly makes a loud noise like a.... yelp? She starts stuttering and stumbling on her words.

"But- how? Mad? I- this- I don't? What.." She looks at me still very.. very red. "I'm not mad I kind of feel flattered that I was important enough to be kidnapped. Though if you had just asked me out in the beginning then I would have said yes. But the only thing that confuses me is... why a loser like me?" She gasps as I mention the loser part.

"You are not a loser! Who told you that! I'll kill them and torture them with so much pain they'll wish they were never born!" Her eyes are filled with fire as I sweat drop, "Uhh, no one told me I just.. labeled myself as that. I don't get good grades, I'm horrid at sports, the only friends I have are my electronics and books. So why?" She suddenly gave me a tight hug.

"I've seen you after school and at home. When you helped that little boy and those animals, and when you would message people online who you had never met and sent such encouraging words too. When you had donated to those charities and would anonymously leave resources in those donation bins at school. You're so generous and kind hearted, it's amazing you're even a real person." Through her ranting my face has heated up, I'm always quiet and shy when it comes to people but I still love doing good things even if it hurts me in the process, or my wallet. Thankfully though my mother sends me money, and I have a part time job that pays well. Thanks to my mother from before I'm what you like to call.. a jack of all trades. Unfortunately those trades all go to waste when I laze around all day.

"You saw all those..." I muttered in her shoulder as she continued to cling to me. Surprisingly her stalking me didn't embarrass me but her knowing I did good deeds were more embarrassing, 'Way too set your priorities (Y/n).' She let go of me and stared into my eyes lovingly, 'I've seen enough anime to know where this is going..'

She leans in and captures my lips in hers for a split second before turning away from me. I can already tell her face is on fire yet.. who am I too talk.

What a morning.
Author Note: Sorry for not updating but YouTube has corrupted me along with other games and such. I'll continue posting Modshio but I'll be focusing a bit more into this series. I hope you'll understand and I thank you for reading this. Have a great day my Stars.

A/N: Modshio is a discontinued series and things have changed. I apologize for the first couple bad chapters you'll see.

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