EPISODE - 35 Just Wait And Watch..

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EPISODE - 35 Just Wait And Watch..


A Light breeze Were Flowing as Nandini Was Standing at The terrace After Hanging up The Call From Navya Who Called Her Informing That There Was Some Rats Found out in Their Sweet Shop And Need to Clean The Shop immediately.. After that Informing The Press Control About The Rats to Leave Some Rats Medicine Smoke into The Shop she Didn't Move From The terrace..

She's Standing There With Eyes Closed Feeling The Same Restlessness Which She's feeling Since Morning.. She's Trying to Chucked it Away But it Comes Back with The Great Force..

The chilly air is Creasing her Bare Skin leading to a string of goosebumps erupting all over her bare arms. She looks down at her arms, momentarily distracted as if suddenly being reminded of the fact that she is Feeling cold. She absent mindly rubs her arms with her Hands in an almost mechanical action to Give Heat to her Bare skin.

" Why This Strange Restlessness Isn't Going Devi Mayiyan!? I'm Started Getting Scared Now! Something–– Something is going to happen!! ", Nandini Think as The Restlessness Was Increasing And her Heart is Thudding Worriedly..

" Ohh! Chipku is Here! It Seems Now You Waited Enough For the Moon.. Nahin!? ", She Heard Manik's Teasing Voice.

Nandini Didn't Turn But retorted," Monster, I'm Not Here For Moon.. I'm Here for the Fresh Air..".

" So, What You Think at downstairs Isn't Any Fresh Air!!?? ", Manik Asked And with lots of difficulty Stop himself to Not Chuckle at the Faces which She Was Making..

" Shut up.. Monster.. ", Nandini Glared.

Manik Smile But then his expressions Change to Strin," Didn't you Take My Words Seriously, Today!? ".

Nandini Looked at him Frowning..

" Yeahhh! You Didn't Talk much today With Me.. ", He Said Shrugging his Shoulder, Looking everywhere But her!

Nandini's Lips stretched into Naughty Smile, " Ohh! It's Seems Someone Was Missing me, Today!? ", She Asked.

" It's Not Like that okay!? ", Manik Said Glaring at Her.

Nandini Giggled as She Find him Cute And Pulled his Cheeks, " Aww, Monster Miss Me..".

Manik Turn his Face Away And Rubbed his cheek After Jerking her Hand Away making her Chuckle Seeing his Cute Face..



A Masked Person And a Man Was Standing..

" This is The Half Amount Rest I'll Give you After The Work will be Done.. Do it Carefully.. Okay? ", The Masked Person Said Roaming his/her Eyes Around Checking for the Safety..

" Sure Boss.. ", The Man Nodded his Head..

After that Man left to do his Work While the Masked Person Walked Towards his/Her Car And Sit Inside And Waited For him..

" Today, I'll Teach You a Leason MM.. You Did Really Wrong With Me.. And Snatch Everything From Me And Now I'll Snatch Everything From you.. Just Wait And Watch.. ", A Masked Person Thinks With Evil Smirk..

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