32. NO!

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Arianna De Luca

"Let them go, they're innocent." Dario said and stood up from his place.

"Very good, Adrian." Michali exclaimed form the chair and a man smacked the back of his head.

"You let Shane and Michali free and I'd let Laura go." This Adrian guy spoke but we were no fool to believe him. He'd never let Laura go. She's the easiest target of us all. She was Dario's sister which makes her hella important and on top of that she isn't trained.

"Okay, okay." Dario said and gestured the men by Shane to let him free. Simultaneously, Adrian untied the ropes around Laura's hands. I extended my hand towards her and she quickly took it, standing next to me in a second. I handed a gun to her and took the safety off. I know she isn't trained in shooting or anything but she can at least defend herself with it.

After that, Dario asked the men to untie the ropes around Michali and once he was free, Adrian let Mia free. As soon as she was at a safe distance from Adrian, our men started firing. We all took refuge under some table or behind a couch since now both sides' men were having an open fire.

After a couple of rounds of firing, Dario and Michali were once again having a fist fight. This time, more intense than before.

I saw a man trying to shoot Laura and I shot him before he could harm her. She took another shot at him and this time, I'm sure he'd bleed to death. There were good number of men trying to protect Mia and Laura. They had made a circle around the two and also handed them guns to protect themselves.

All of us were fighting and slowly everything started coming to an end. We were wining the battle because most of their men ran away as soon as they released we were wining.

I saw Michali landing a harsh punch to Dario and I was going to rush to his side to help him when we all heard a gunshot followed by a scream. I heard Laura shout, 'NO!'. I turned around to see Mia slowly collapsing on the floor with blood seeping out of her left side of the chest.

Everything sort of came to a standstill and I felt as if things were moving in slow motion. There was a man standing before us with a gun in his hand. He was the one who had taken a shot at Mia and it took me a minute of realise that, that bullet was meant for me. The person was trying to shoot me and Mia saved my life.

As all of us had turned towards Mia and were processing what had just happened, our men quickly grabbed Shane and Michali once again and tied them to their previous seats.

Bob rushed to Mia's side and laid her head on his lap. I kneeled in front of her as tears started forming in my eyes. Mia took a bullet for me and is now battling for her life. I held her hand and started crying.

"Do-don't cry, Don-Donna." She said, struggling to complete her sentence.

"Mia. Why did you do that?" I asked as more hot tears started flowing down my cheeks, blending with my blood.

"I ful-fulfilled my du-duty, Donna." She said and it broke my heart hearing her say this. She risked her life majorly just to perform her duty of saving my life. How will I ever repay her kindness? How will I ever forgive myself if something happens to her?

"Your life i-is way more imp-important than mine. Promise m-me, you'll li-live it to t-the full-fullest. En-enjoy it fully a-and won't hold you-yourself responsible fo-for whatever happens to-to me." She said and kept a hand on mine.

I smiled through my tears and nodded my head. "I promise, Mia. I promise." I said and she started coughing vigorously as she tried forming another sentence.

Dr. Sinclair miraculously appeared and started treating her. Men took Mia to a room nearby and gave him silence to save Mia. Turns out, Matteo had called him before Adrian entered the room. He initially rang him up for Nina but seeing the situation we were in with Mia, Matteo let Dr. Sinclair treat her first.

Meanwhile, Dario ordered Michali and Shane to be injected with sleeping drug and take them to the warehouse.

Dr. Sinclair came out of the room after never-wrecking 20 minutes and I'd lie if I said I was ready for what he said next.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. De Luca, I tried my best but couldn't save Mia."

"NO!" I exclaimed and was about to faint when I felt Dario hold me and the last thing I remember was falling unconscious in his arms.

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