Day 1

102 6 3

"No!! How could you?!" I screamed.

That was only the beginning, soon everything would turn terrible.

                                                                                  4 Hours Earlier  

"Chloe, it's time to get up. It's your day to do the dishes." My mom says.

I groan before sitting up in bed. I look at the time. 

"It's only 8 o'clock. Why did you have to wake me up so early?" I ask.

"Because I don't want you sleeping in again. You have school tomorrow. So get up, up, up!" She said before she went downstairs.

I hop out of bed and put some clothes on.  I go downstairs and head for the kitchen when I stop.

"We don't know what is happening but we hope to have it under control. For now, everyone stays inside, do not go outdoors. If you happen to see one of these infected people, Please call the authorities and let them know." Says the anchor lady coming from the TV. 

I wonder what that's about? Infected people?? what, are they like zombies or something? I thought. But I brush those thoughts out of my head and start working on the dishes.

                           About an hour later, I come out from the kitchen to find the news back on.

"Breaking news, over more than a third of the world has been infected by this dangerous disease. Authorities are saying to keep inside and do not let anyone inside. Stay away from your windows and lock your doors. We have no idea of how these people are getting infected but we know that the infection travels through the blood. So try not to get scratched, bitten, or have any physical injuries from them."

"Mom, what's going on outside?"Henry asks.

I looked out the window and looked at what Henry was looking at. It was exactly like I thought it was going to be.

They were outside. People walking around like mindless humans. Well not anymore. They were mindless monsters. 

"Okay guys, get away from the windows. We need to go upstairs and stay away from all the windows." My mom says and rushes us upstairs.

We've been sitting up here for 2 hours already. Nothing has happened. I decided to take a little nap since this actually might be the end of the world. 

All of a sudden I hear a thud. I check the time. It seems to be 12 already. 

I go downstairs to check what that thud was. 

I gasp when I see blood on the kitchen floor. But who's blood is it?

I look out on the porch and that's where I see the most horrific thing.

A mother throwing her own son out to those monsters. MY Mother. Throwing Henry out to those Monsters. 

Those Zombies.

The Survivedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن