This Journey

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Emerald wakes up seeing the vast ocean.

They arrive in the last port.

"Take care Princess. I will never forget you." Rosemarie hugs Emerald tightly.

"What are you saying? You can visit me anytime you want. I will be here waiting." Emerald smiles.

After waving her hand from the people in the Andromeda she turns around to move with her family to their new destination.

Chorus Village is a bit far from the ocean.
It took them a whole three days  to arrive.

The beauty of this place is breath taking.
It is so beautiful and from the top you can see the vast ocean from a far.

Its a wonderful place.

But first princess met the village Chief.

"You will stay here Princess?" The village chief is shock.
This is like the end of the country. Who would want to stay here.

"Why not? The place is peaceful and lovely."

The village chief smiles after hearing the girls sincere praises.

"Isn't going to be impossible? Im sure the King will not let his daughter away."
The Village looks at her again.

Such a beautiful and polite daughter. If it is his own granddaughter he will not allow her to leave in a dangerous journey.
He sighs.
"Though I say that...I hope to make the princess see our people  to motivate them and inspire them. The moral of our men is dimishing after lots of defeat. They all just want to gave up and leave this beautiful valley. But I insists to hold on..."

"I understand why. Even I hope to keep this place for myself. Of course I won't do that either. I will help you Village Chief. So let me stay here. On top of that mountain. I want to make a villa of my own."

"If that is what you want princess. But that place is where the mountain bandit are. We should capture them first before we plan to start your villa."

A smile spread across her lips.
"My family will be able to handle those men. Pirates are no match for them. Naive mountain bandits are just some petty thieves to them." She said proudly.

Emerald looks at everyone. The village guards who are looking down because they all feel useless.
The people who has given up.
Her family who is looking at her proudly.

They all looking at her.

'What can a princess do?'
Emerald used to asks.

'I should collect lots of money and quietly leave the palace when I grow old.'

She thought.

'I will sell my food.
Talk to people. Be happy.'

This is her goal..

'I reach...The end of our journey.'

Emerald smiles.

"Let's take this mountain back. And drive the bandits away." She said softly.

The villagers looks at each other. They all waiting for the princess. But they didn't expect hee to bring such a small amount of force.
They feel that this is impossible.

"These men raised their sword and shield to fight for the citizen of Larksen and protect this Kingdom.
They fought and defeated all the pirates that are invading the Three island we passed by. Now the Mustang, Willow and Perosea Islands are freed. They are going to be rehabilate and grow stronger in the future. These men are my precious family who risk their life without asking for anything but to see those people gwt their justice and freedom. How about you all? Are you willing yo risk the same amount  for your village?"

A Princess Pride is her Title : The Most Beloved PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now