Chap 9 - Lycan King

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Aerowyn's pov


I ran back and hid in a bush before shifting to my human form. I mindlinked Esmeralda to bring my clothes. Soon later she came and gave me a blank hoodie and shorts. I wore them and we headed home. My home. The Alpha's mantion.

I went to my room and took a shower. I wore a white long sleeved top with denim jeans. I went downstairs. "where is Maya and Kail?" i asked Rayce and Esmi.

"Maya called. She said she has extra classes today. She also said she will come late cuz she is meeting her friends. As for Kail, he is training with Ralph." Rayce said.

"i thought i told everyone that i will be training Kail." i said confused.

"we know. But today we have serious business." Esmeralda said. "oh." i nodded. "come on. Others are already in our office." Rayce said and we followed him to our office.

Each one of us have our own offices. But we also have an office for all of us where we can discuss and plan.

We went to the office. And there were the others in their seats. I went and stood in the middle. "so tell me what's it?" i asked as everyone settled.

"we got a call from the council." Darren said. "the get together thing?" i asked suspiciously. "yes." Jaxon muttered. "which pack?" i asked. They seemed uncomfortable.

"Dark Shadow." Rayce looked at me. "you have got to be kidding me." my eyes went wide. "i don't want to deal with the lycan." i grumbled. "i hate this." Darren said massaging his temple. "who doesn't?" Esmeralda glared at the ceiling.

"we don't have a choice, guys. It's the council." Jaxon said unhappily. "what's the other packs. Every get together has 4 packs." i said. "they didn't tell us what the other pack is." Rayce growled.

"what the hell?" i said. "calm down. I think they haven't decided yet. The 3rd pack however is the pack who is getting help from Black Shadow because of an attack. The whole pack is staying in Dark Shadow. And this thing is in Dark Shadow too. It's going to be a pain in the a$$." Darren said.

"The f*ck. I hate this. What's this pack's name?" i asked. "you are not gonna be happy." Rayce said. Esmeralda looked angry.

"what am I missing? What's the pack's name?" i asked again. "I'm the Alpha! Tell me!" i growled. "White Ray." Jaxon said. I froze. I didn't know what to say. Get together with the White Ray? Oh dear Moongoddess! Give me patience!

"i don't care." i said. They looked at me with wide eyes with disbelief. "White Ray or not, Dark shadow or not, we don't have a choice. Council's decision." i noted.

"are you sure, Winnie?" Darren asked. "yes. Besides they don't know it's me. All they know is it's Lupus Auream pack. And that the Alpha is Regina Malicious. They don't know my real name. So they will be unprepared. But us... We know it's them. We will be prepared. You get it?" i asked. "and also I'm a new person now." i added.

"that means... Oh my god! Yes! I agree with you!" Esmeralda squealed.

"we will show them that our Winnie is not who they think she is." Jaxon stood up.

"that she is strong. Not weak. That she is a different person." Rayce fist pumped the air.

"that she doesn't need them anymore. That Winnie is loved by us. That she has a better family. And that they can't, and i mean ever, hurt her." Darren gave me a side hug. 

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