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🌺If No One Gives You A Gift, Buy Yourself One🌺

First week.

"Have you find any reports on her?"

"No sir. There are too many women with slim body who lives in New Valley"

Second Week.

"Is there any reports?"

"None. Sir, as I check the surveillance. There are no surveillance cameras near the place of the accident"

Third Week.


"If it regards to your benefactor sir I'm sorry but the police station didn't give any extensive details regarding the person who brought you to the hospital because the person itself wasn't found in the records by the police". Yeah in those records I was portrayed as a fat nerdy lady. hehe! No one can connect the fat needy lady to the slim girl who reported the case.

My head keeps on aching at the troublesome boss. I'm not a Private Investigator so why made me do a job that's out of my hand?! Even if it was looking for myself, it's so hard to find excuses. Jeez!

"You're frowning again?" Jake laughs at her frowning face. I rolled my eyes at him and give him the list of files that need to submit from this month. Since the next day will be Hearts Day, I assume that everyone will have a busy day with their loved ones.

"Be glad. I'm frowning, would I look scarier if I'm smiling and having a happy time with a boss like this? That means I'm insane", I snorted. Jake smile sympathizing, he stands up and patted my head.

"In my opinion. The boss is lucky to have a secretary who doesn't fawn over him. Look at our lady co-workers, looking at you with envy every day"

tsk. "Wouldn't our chairman hire me if my eyes bubble with heart every time I see that man?"

Jake laughs louder. His eyes sparkle in light that if I'm only fit now, I might think that he had a thing for me but with this disguise? I highly doubt that. Because scientifically speaking ninety percent of humans mostly looking first at the physical attribute of their opposite sex as their preference and with the body, I had now, I can say that I am at the bottom of that list.

"So are you free tomorrow? I haven't had any partner for tomorrow's Hearts Day", he said showing his perfect set of teeth. He's handsome but I'm really out of his league to be asked by this question.

I raised my left eyebrow. "And what? Ask me some dirty secrets of our CEO and sell them to others? Hehe. This one is smarty, can't be fooled", I said pointing the pen to my temple.

Jake only smile at my straightforwardness. He knew me very well since I become the CEO's secretary. Many tried to bribe me but everyone had been turned down and when a bribe isn't working, they use an underhand method like sending men to seduce me and get information. But every man was also turned down. I'm not excited about romance, because since the day I came to this world. My sole goal is to go back to my previous one. I have too many loved ones waiting for me there. Especially, my family. Mom, dad, and my siblings.

And romance is only a hindrance to me in coming back to my world.

"Don't belittle yourself", he mumbles. I just smiled at him and went back to my post.

"Barbara!" my angry boss called again and I oblige. Headaches, here I come.


The next day, I felt my head is about to burst. Everywhere, my heart bubbles and everyone I see is exchanging sweet words. I sighed.

Can everyone please refrain from showing sweet nothings? There is a single here force to eat dog food here you know?

Every delivery man came, my co-workers would whistle as my female co-workers would blush then smile at gifts they received.

Abnormally, the Whore Boss of mine wasn't asking me to send flowers or gifts to his flings. I wonder if he's still sick from coming back to the hospital. It's been three weeks since I last saw him with a girl.

"Ms. Barbara Hanson?" a delivery man frowns when he saw me. I smiled. "That's me!"

The frown on his face become even deeper as he surveyed me from head to toe. He's insulting me, right?

He gives me two boxes, one small and one big as my smile becomes even bigger.

After signing, I put the big box beside my chair and unwrap the small box. Royce 'Nama Chocolate' Bitter. My favorite.

"Someone sends you gifts?" Jake frowns picking the card. I didn't bother to answer him as I put the first slice of chocolate in my mouth. I close my eyes feeling so heavenly. Oh. I can only taste this every two months of my salary.

"Whose 'M'? I never knew a name here who starts with that letter", I smiled at him widely. "Myself"

Jake sighed while I continue to eat my chocolate. Since no one bothers to buy me a gift. Why not buy myself one?

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