1: Guest G04

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 (Authors Note: Little explanation here. None of the league know of the robins before Dick, so they were never on the team from the show Young Justice. Dick was also not apart of the sidekick team, so they only know him as Nightwing and that he was close or had Batman's respect. I changed their zeta tube codes to kinda fit the new timeline I made. Apparently Dick had made his own team/ letter in secret so the bat boys letter team will be G, not B. Also, they will be called guest cause Batman doesn't want their hero names said or something? Anyway Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Red Robin, and Damien Wayne is Robin. There, you should be caught up on all the changes. Unless I missed something and have to edit this yet again *sighs* Hope you enjoy!)


It was a bland day at the watchtower. The Justice League was having a movie night when the zeta tube announced someone's arrival. Except everyone was already there, who could that be?

Authorized access to Guest G04.

"Guest?! It's the batcave stupid computer!" Came a young voice. Everyone was up and in a fighting stance the moment they spoke. There was a figure with a hood and black mask covering his face. His suit was black, red, and yellow with a type of bird symbol in the middle of his chest. He was leaning against a wall, hand on his stomach which was covered in blood. He looked up breathing hard to see he was in fact not in the batcave. "Crap..." He said as he fell to the ground.

The group of heroes were confused as to how he knew of the batcave and how he, seemed, to accidentally go to the watchtower by mistake. But not as confused as seeing Batman rush past them and to the boy. And not to attack or question, but in concern.

"Red!" He spoke hastily but soft. Superman and the flash were surprised at how worried Batman's voice was. He never showed any emotion or fear, but now here he was, starting to examine the boy. "What happened?"

"Got shot?" 'Red' replied with a light chuckle. Batman shot him a glare, but it was more of a not in the mood for joking look. Red sighed. "Fine. I was handling a mugging near crime alley and didn't see the third around the corner. But I took care of it after he got me."

Green Arrow looked shocked. His abdomen was bleeding and he could barely walk. How'd he take down a guy with a gun like that!? Superman whispered to the group that isn't crime alley in Gotham? He knew the Dark knight didn't like others in his city.

"That's good, but how did you miss him?" Batman asked, picking him up carefully, but then stopped looking at him disapprovingly. "How much sleep did you get the past two weeks?" Red hung an arm around the mans neck laying his head on Batman's shoulder.

"...5 hours."

"What!" Flash finally spoke for all five members, Wonder women, Martin Manhunter, Superman, Green Arrow, and Aquaman. It's Thursday!

"Who is that kid?" Green arrow asked.

"Who he is isn't important right now. As for you," He looked back the kid and he walked to the med bay. "When you get back to the house, no coffee till you've gotten at least 10 more hours."

'The house? What is going on?!' Green arrow thought as the mind link was up. The six other leaguers watched as Batman went down a hall and the kid complaining about how he needed coffee to survive.

'I would like to know that as well.' Martian agreed.

'Well whoever the kid is, Batman won't tell us. He's made it clear that his personal life is to be a secret. And the boy seems to be apart of it' Aquaman told them.

'Yeah, but what if he doesn't tell us?' Flash thought, raising his eyebrows at the Martian.

'Flash, you know that Batman is not a man to mess with. He would know I was in his mind.' He stated.

'We could watch through the security cameras.' Superman suggested, everyone looked at him.

'You're on board with this idea?' Wonder women almost scolded.

'What? Aquaman is right. He won't tell us anything but this seems pretty important to know. Plus, he knows who all we are. We deserve to know something about him.' The two had a stare off before the women gave in.

'Fine, we will be up in the controls watching. We will keep the link up.' They made the one camera take up all the monitors and sat back.

"Bite down on this." Batman gave Red a leather mouth piece and waited till he nodded as a go. Using the tools, he carefully found the bullet. Red bit down hard as the man worked it out, letting the piece fall out with a sigh. Once done, Batman put a cloth over the wound. "Put pressure on there." He told him, putting the tweezer like tools in the sink to be cleaned.

"I know what to do B. Not my first bullet wound." He said annoyed but did as he was instructed, wincing a bit.

"Yeah, well it wasn't you're first mugging either. Why were you alone though?" He asked, washing his hands.

"Got separated after stopping a robbery with Jay and was heading to the rendezvous point. Dick was with the demon brat." The bat nodded as he turned around.

'I wonder who they are. I thought Batman worked alone.' Aquaman wondered.

'Well they may not be happy about them. Who'd call their partners dick and a demon?' The Flash thought. Everyone shrugged.

"Well you lost a lot of blood but you'll be fine."

"Good. I promised a spare to the little demon at midnight so could you bandage this?" He asked, pointing to the white cloth now red.

'Again with calling them a demon! Who are they?!' The Flash asked again.

"No, you aren't going anywhere like this except your bed. That means no patrolling for the rest of tonight or tomorrow. Not even being coms in the batcave." He squinted his eyes at the teenager. "And no coffee."

"Oh come on!" Red let his head drop to the pillow. "I get shot once and I'm grounded from my only source of energy." Batman smiled. He smiled. And chuckled! The team stood shocked still.

'Who is this man and where is Batman?' Green Arrow asked.

"You know what else will give you energy?"


"Sleep." Batman chuckled again at Red's groan.

"Sleep is for the weak. I have so much work to do!"

"Sure you do. Now, should I call Jay here?" Batman asked.

"Yeah, but what about the league?" Red asked. He didn't reply. Just pulled out his phone, taking off his glove to use it properly. The phone ringed 2 times before the person picked up. 

"Hello. Hey hey slow down, I know. Cause he's in the watchtower med bay. Yes he is. You can, but tell the other two to head back to the cave. No, don't worry about them. Yes they were taken care of. Bye." He hung up and looked at the boy. "He's on his way so we should probably patch you up first."

The League had so many questions.

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