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Happy Diwali guys!!❤️🌟

Ethan's P.O.V

I was ready to go to the charity event. These events are important for any businessman. Through these events contacts are generated. Though I'm successful enough that people themselves come to do a deal with me but I'm greedy too.

I was wearing a bluish green suit with black shirt and tie.

I was wearing a bluish green suit with black shirt and tie

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I was in the living room waiting for Kate to come. Well, I hate to admit but I was little excited to see her, what is she gonna wear and how is she gonna look!

Now one more minute and I'm barging in her room. What is taking her so long?

Kate's P.O.V

I was not at all excited for the event but I was excited to dress up. Now come on which girl doesn't love to dress up?
I wore a black long dress with a slit. I left my hair open with curls. I did little bit of makeup too.

I was excited to see the reaction of Ethan

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I was excited to see the reaction of Ethan. Will he like my look? Or will he not? Let us see. I headed down to see Ethan waiting in the living room. I reached up to him.

"Ethan!" I called him, he turned around. He was looking really handsome.

"Yea Kate. L-lets g-go." He said stuttering and looking head to toe to me.

What?! Can't he give a simple compliment? I'm his wife for gods sake.
Of course who am I expecting from! The very arrogant Ethan Robinson! Naah...

"Yes lets go Ethan." I controlled my tears.


Ethan's P.O.V

To say she looked beautiful would be an understatement. She looked beyond beautiful man! But I didn't find courage to compliment her. And she was pissed with that, I could easily tell. I was not like this. I was very outgoing fun loving person. But one girl changed everything for me.

Anyways that is the story for some other day.

We reached the venue in time. There were hundreds of photographers and reporters outside the venue. We had to entertain them.

I opened the Kate's side of door. I forwarded my hand to her. She placed her hand in mine with surprised expression. Of course she will be surprised. I didn't even compliment her.

"Do we have to entertain them?" She asked me softly.

"Well yes. But don't worry. Just smile." I said looking into her eyes.

She smiled and nodded.

Probably this was the first time we didn't argue and agreed.

I wrapped my around her waist and started walking. Photographers and reporters were yelling Sir here ma'am here! But I ignored them. Kate was getting disturbed by it but I said,
"I'm there."

She nodded. As swiftly as I could I moved towards the venue. Finally we entered the banquet hall.

"How do you manage to do that all the time?" She asked.

"Well we get habitual of that. So it becomes easy."

"I'm not coming to any events after these."

"Will see. Now act all smiley and lovey-dovey." I whispered in her ears.

"Dare to come close to me without any reason."

"Feisty aren't we?" I chuckled.

She just gave me her most sarcastic smile.

"Okay so I'm just going to come back in 2 minutes. Stay here. Don't talk much to anyone."


Kate's P.O.V

First I was angry that he didn't even compliment me, and now secondly he just left me for good 10 minutes. He is still not here. Where the fuck is he?

I was siping my drink when a pretty handsome guy came towards me. He must be of the same age as Ethan's. He wore a black suit and pants.

"Hi beautiful. May I know your name please?" He asked sweetly. But I know these men, sweet for now then when they get what they want you are just a piece of shit.

But well whats the harm to enjoy little? My husband is not here for me.

"Kate Robinson. And you?" I smiled.

"What a lovely name Kate. I'm Damien Stone."

"Nice to meet you Damien."

"Pleasure is all mine." He kissed the backside of my hand.

"What are you doing here sitting all alone?" He asked.

"Actually my husband just went somewhere and I am waiting for him."

"Oh! A beautiful lady like you must not be waiting. She must keep guys waiting."

I chuckled. Only if my husband knew.

"Will you do the honour to dance with me?" He extended his hand.

I wanted to go but I also knew if I would go Ethan would be very angry. But how can I refuse him directly? I looked around to find Ethan talking to a man and his hand wrapped around a bimbo. What the fuck?

"Sure. Let's dance." I answered back.

Hey amigos. I hope you like this chapter. Pls hit that star button down below. Comment down below what did you like or not liked about the chapter.

See you guys with the next update.

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