Chapter 20: Bathroom Break, Pentakill!

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The opponent barbarian king died twice already thus he immediately changed lanes with Yasuo to avoid being snowballed by Xiao Luo.

Just as soon as Yasuo came up, he attacked immediately. Xiao Luo mocked the opponents decision, he pressed E, cooperated with his W’s sharp increase in defense and his Chopping skill, he smoothly killed Yasuo instead.

In the next wave, he waited for Yasuo to revive and the jungling blade master to gank them.

At this time, Xiao Luo’s dragon turtle just reached level 6. First he dealt with the level 5 blade master, then he dealt with the level 4 Asou, in a 1V2. He was able to win a double kill with ease.

“That’s great!”

Bai Xeiwen completely agrees with Xiao Luo’s skill, she can see very clearly, the opponents are by no means bad its just that Xiao Luo is much better. The opponent Asou was not able to give any punishing moves to Xiao Luo at all before dying.

Chu Yue didn’t say anything this time. Xiao Luo’s skill shocked her tremendously.

“This dragon turtle is very unusual!”

“It is more than unusual. It is simply abnormal.”

“This is platinum rank right, why do I feel that the opponents are bronze rank?”

Chu Yue’s studio was flooded with barrages of fans.

Xiao-fei Zhu and Ding Kai looked at Xiao Luo cheerfully, they felt like they picked up a treasure.

“Brother Luo, my good brother Luo, you are indeed a true great God!”

“Your lane has now become the opponent’s forbidden zone. If you continue to play dragon turtle like this, I will obey your every decision.”

The two people gave a thumbs-up sign to Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo just smiled slightly, he did not speak.

However, as Ding Kai said, his lane has now become a forbidden zone for the opponents party. Whoever goes on his lane will die, after all. The dragon turtle is already the overlord of this lane. He even can cut the wave with no problem, as if he’s strolling.

At the time of 17 minutes, he already have 13 kills and is level 12. He was equipped with Ice Armor, Thorn armor, Tech-Gun and Leather boots.

When the dragon turtle turned into a wheel rotating at high speed and rushed to the enemy’s high ground, everyone was stunned and thought: What is the dragon turtle doing?

Chu Yue typed directly: “Xiao Luo, what are you doing?”

Xiao Luo answered easily, “Going for a stroll on their high ground!”

“You’re crazy. Although this is a downhill game for them, it doesn’t mean that you can stroll about their reach.” Chu Yue said in a flustered way.

Bai Xeiwen also chimed in: “Let your dragon turtle come back quickly. Your streak is very valuable. If it is ended, the other party will all get an extra reward.”

Xiao-Fei Zhu was also very frightened: “Brother Luo, what’s wrong with you?”

“Hold on, Luo Ge, we are carried by you. If you got killed, it won’t be certain who will win this game.” Ding Kai also broke out in a cold sweat.

Xiao Luo ignored everyone’s dissuasion, he still controlled the dragon turtle anyway. He sprinted with Q, bypassed one enemy defense tower after another and directly rushed to the other’s high ground.


The opponent barbarian king immediately sent a message asking.

Xiao Luo ignored, got up and left the seat.

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