Chapter 26

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The past three days, I've been searching like crazy for my mystery person. I really thought that whoever it is, that they would act different after that kiss. I expected nothing big but I got absolutely nothing, they all treated me exactly the same.

I however, did feel different. Everything about that last dare made me want to know who it is, now more then ever. It was slowly driving me nuts

"Cats or dogs?" Alexander asked, reminding me of the conversation. We both had recess together as the last class of the day and we were currently playing a game of 'ask each other random weird questions'.

"Neither but if I had to chose then dogs", I answered before asking my question "What's a weird habit of yours?".

"You already know I talk a lot", he said and I chuckled, waiting for him continue.

"I like to socialise with people but I like to observe them as well. It just always amazes me that most communication isn't even spoken and how you can read people through their actions and mannerism"

"So you're one of those scary perverts that likes to watch people in secret", I joked, making the both of us chuckle.

"Yeah and I constantly drive around the neighborhood with a minivan", he sarcastically retorted, shaking his head.

"You're such a dork", I threw at him but he just gave me his signature smile, raising his brows a couple of times at me.

"Favorite ice cream flavour?", he asked next.

"I don't like ice cream", I spoke and he looked at me like I just grew a second head. He's not the first person to react that way though. Then you get hit with the 'who doesn't like ice cream?' Me bitch, me...

"That's... You know what, I'm just ignoring that", he said and wove for me to ask my question. I just chuckled again before coming up with a question "Tell me something not a lot of people know about you"

He thought for a bit and his expression turned slightly serious before taking a deep breath.

"Well, as you might know, my parents aren't home a lot. When I was younger I still had my grandparents but after they passed away, the loneliness got a lot worse. I wasn't just constantly alone but I had to deal with their deaths alone as well. I stopped eating, sleeping, even speaking to my friends so I had to go to a special hospital for a few weeks", he explained and I felt awful for him. Never knew that he kind of had a similar story as I did yet I felt grateful he trusted me with that.

"I got a lot better after that but I guess I just sometimes act up because of that", he finished, a sad smile on his face.

"Thanks for telling me Alex, I can't imagine what that has been like", I took his hand and softly squeezed it, trying to comfort him.

"It's alright, I'm just happy you accepted me for who I am", he said, so many raw emotions in his eyes.

"I know for a fact that a lot more people would too if they could see the real you", I told him and he returned me a smile.

Cutting of our sad moment, the bell went off and most people started to get out their classes to go home.

"Are you coming to the party Friday?" Alexander asked as we both stood up, making our way into the hallways as well.

"Of course, see you then", I told him and he nodded, giving me a last smile before walking away. I walked over to my locker and put some of the books in before looking through the people passing by.

"Oh, hey Liam", I said louder and he turned around, smiling brightly at me.

"Have you seen Adam?" I asked and he started laughing, shaking his head.

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