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Voldemort hugging Draco was not in the script.

If you look closely, you can see Dean laughing when Voldemort was talking in the Deathly Hallows Part 2 movie.

I don't remember which movie this was in, but there is a scene where Hermione tells Ron that just because he has an emotional range of a tea spoon doesn't mean everyone else does. And immediately after, the actors all started laughing. But they all thought they had already stopped filming when in reality they didn't, and the director really liked it and kept it in the film.

The department of mysteries set was completely computer generated because the set would have been too expensive to build and also it would be too hard to clean up when all the glass balls fall.

The code to get to the Ministries of Magic is "62442" which spells out magic.

Rupert Grint actually really really hates spiders. So in the scene where Ron and Harry go into the forbidden forest, Rupert didn't have to do much acting in that because he was actually really terrified.

On the second movie, they had to extend Harry and Hermione's hug because Emma was so uncomfortable hugging another boy. She was also supposed to hug Rupert too but she didn't want to in front of all those people.

The actor who plays Bill Weasley is actually Mad Eye Moody's son in real life.

Alan Rickman wore Black Contacts for his role as Snape and the director of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire didn't know. So when he commented on Alan's amazing black eyes, without skipping a beat, Alan Rickman took out his contacts and showed it to the director and totally freaked the director out. (A/N: This is my all time most favorite. Change my mind KAKAJSKSJSKJSKA)

In one of the running scenes, Emma and Dan would constantly race each other to see who was faster. Rupert would always say he's trying to keep up because he isn't as fast as them.

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