Chapter 27 Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream

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💖I can't believe just five months ago I was holding that puppy in the palm of my hand. 💖

"Ice cream?"

Startled, I jumped at the sound of Pierce's voice, my head flying up to look at him, I knew I was blushing but there wasn't anything I could do about that.

Pierce laughed lightly at my guilt-like reaction.

"You're making me very curious as to what you're thinking about so seriously over there," he murmured and the pink in my cheeks deepened.

He settled back in the corner of his seat so that he was somewhat facing me. He looked relaxed and happy. It was a good look on him.

Determined to try and relax myself, I half turned and drew my thigh up to rest on the seat so I could be more comfortable as we chatted. In doing so, it brought me in closer contact with Pierce. My knee was a hand span from touching his leg. It didn't bother me though, like it would have before.

It seemed like because of him a lot of things bothered me less.

As I remained silent, Pierce murmured, "Curiouser and curiouser..." with a smile I could only describe as wicked.

I shook myself mentally. I needed to sort myself out before I made a fool of myself.

"You mentioned ice cream, I believe," I said a little desperately, trying to regroup as naturally as I could but feeling anything but.

Pierce's eyes twinkled at me and I could tell he had noticed how off kilter I was. Thankfully he refrained from saying anything to worsen my self-induced agitation and instead repeated his earlier question.

"Ice cream? Would you like some?"

"Sure, I love ice cream!"

"Why am I not surprised?" Pierce teased.

A small puff of laughter made its way past my lips.

"In truth, although I love food, I am not big on sweets... except for ice cream," I paused, "Yeah, I like ice cream."

"Then ice cream you shall have!"

I watched him text someone a message, I assumed either Bruce or Khai up front to let them know. That made me curious.

"Where have we been driving to all this time if you just now told them where to go?"

"I love how quick you are," Pierce said with a look in my direction that upped the temperature a degree.

I could tell he really meant the comment and wasn't just being glib. He acted like being smart was sexy or something.

My heart fluttered again and maybe even melted just a bit. A small smile started to form but it didn't stop there as it usually did. It grew, or should I say, it flourished as suddenly a huge grin stretched my face in a smile unlike any other, I had shown the man sitting next to me.

Pierce's eyes sharpened as they stared at my lips. Without thought I looked down at his. It made me remember the kiss we had shared not long ago, or kisses. I kind of had the feeling he was thinking of them, too.

His eyes darted back up to mine and he gave a small shake of his head. I completely understood the feeling. When I was around him, I felt trapped in some sort of strange gravitational pull that overrode my usual clear headedness. Pierce demolished any claim I had of control.

"Sexy and smart and sweet," Pierce suddenly murmured, drawing my attention back to him, making me blush for the thousandth time tonight as his words penetrated my bemused distraction. "You my Jackson, are a real triple threat."

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