Chapter 15

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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

First of all, getting hit by dodgeballs every single second is not fun. Having a stupid junior tease me throughout the entire game? Even less fun.

"That was fun." Elena breathed, face flushed red as she washed her face and put on her pair of glasses.

"Fun?" I repeated, laughing with no humour in my tone. "It might've been fun for you, but it was anything but fun for me."

"Oh come on. You're just annoyed that Jordan decided to make it obvious that you were the doctor." Elena rolled her eyes, and I huffed. 

"So? Doesn't make it any more fun." I retorted, and she snickered. 

"You're acting like you don't like Jordan because of that." she chuckled, "I'm not stupid. I know you have a crush on him."

Gaping at her, my cheeks flushed red at her assumption. Not because I'm angry at her though, but more because of embarrassment. Was it that obvious?

"No. I don't like him." I stubbornly said, and she rolled her eyes.

"Yea, sure. You keep telling yourself that." she replied.

"He's three years older than me. Way too old." I scrunch my nose up, "Anyways, I'm not looking for a boyfriend any time soon."

Elena gave me a look of disbelief and I shrugged. "It's true. I'm too young to date someone."

"Just because you have a crush on them doesn't mean you want to date them." she pointed out.

"For the last time, Elena. I don't have a crush on him." I said.

"Sure." she teased, and I groaned aloud.

"Let's just go to the cafeteria." I changed the topic, and not waiting for Elena, I strode out of the change room, Elena calling after me.

Thanks to my ankle, I couldn't exactly run which is how Elena managed to catch up with me, laughing as she teased me.

"I'm sorry okay? You don't have to like Jordan even if I know you like him." she laughed.

What kind of apology is this?

"Seriously?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Yes." She nodded, and I sighed but gave her a small smile nonetheless as I had a tiny problem at the moment.

"Anyways, which way is the cafe? I sorta forgot." I said sheepishly, and she gave me a look of incredulity.

"You don't know where the cafe is." she repeated, and I nodded.

"Don't blame me! It's my first day here." I defended, and she shook her head, a slight tilt to her lips.

"And here I thought you knew where we were going." she said, and looked around the place we walked to. "We've walked the opposite direction we were supposed to walk. Here, I'll bring us back." she stated, and I nodded eagerly, already wanting her to put this moment behind us.

We walked about three minutes before we arrived at the cafeteria. Students crowded the lunch lady in herds as groups of students were chatting at the side, or eating their lunches with their friends.

"Come on. Let's find a seat before there aren't any left." Elena suggested, and pulling my left arm, she brought me to one of the seats at the corner of the cafeteria.

I looked around the spot, a small smile on my face.

"I like this spot." I commented, and Elena let out a huge breath of... Relief?

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