24. Seasonal Changes

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Edit/Rewritten: August 25, 2021


Logan's POV


Chapter Twenty-Four: Seasonal Changes

     It hadn't happened often, at least not since Kai returned to my life. Aside from kissing, the intimacy between me and Tripp was put on pause, only proving how much my father and his words still affected me. The idea disgusted me beyond belief. Someone who stabbed me, someone who wanted to stab my brother and held nothing but hatred towards us, having so much power over me.

     But not today.

     My body surges forward as the lukewarm water cascades down my back, following the trail of my spine. We had moved into the shower after a heated kiss, our clothes discarded quickly onto the tile floor until nothing but the heat of our bodies was left. Nail crescents imprint themselves on Tripp's thighs as he presses his back against the opposite wall, chest heaving.

     Embarrassing as it was, I missed this. I missed the weight of Tripp against my tongue, the ache of my jaw and the cloudiness that consumes my mind when I'm too deep in lust. Even now, as I turn my head against his shaft, eagerly sucking him in deeper, my body is quickly reacting - heating up.

     Feeling the back of my jaw begin to ache I lean back on my knees, deciding instead to focus on the tip. Humming, I lick around the head, working my tongue against the slit then moving around the foreskin. Tripp's breathing deepens, his hand tightening against my hair as he tugs on it. My chest fills with an emotion akin to pride at knowing that I'm the one who brings him to the edge. On a particularly harsh tug I whimper, the sharp feeling shooting straight down to my trembling thighs.

     "Logan, baby-" The words are stuttered and rushed and it gives me the final push to lean forward again, pushing myself to take him in deeper. Tripps fingers tighten, and I'm almost positive he's about to use the hold he has on me to recklessly use my mouth. Tripp hisses, "Fuck yes. Keep going. You're so—"

     The grip I have on his left thigh tightened as Tripp finally took control, gripping my head in a rough hold and thrusting into my mouth. The tears that rim my eyes increase, spilling down my cheekbones as I loosen my jaw around him. It's overwhelming, tasting him, smelling him, having him inside me - it sends shivers through me. And it makes me want and want.

     More. I whimper, drawing a groan from Tripp.

     Not that I have seen many dicks in my life, except for that one accidental time I watched gay porn. But Tripp seemed bigger than average. And for some reason, that acknowledgement makes the thought of having him fuck me cross my mind. What the fuck? Not that I haven't dreamt of it before, but the thought only works to make my thighs quiver and my member spasm against my abdomen.

     Because that would be so hot.


     I gasp, gagging as I look up at Tripp, admiring his sculpted body and concentrated expression. His eyes meet my tearful ones, and his teeth drag over his bottom lip. "Hold it."

     My body tenses completely at his command. Hold it, Logan.

     "You're so good to me, baby." Tripp's voice teeters off towards the end, but the praise doesn't go unnoticed and the pleasure starts mixing in with pain. Hurry, hurry-

     An incoherent sentence escapes him before there's a sudden stop to his movement, the hand gripping my hair holding me steady as he releases into my throat. My eyes roll to the back of my head at the sensation and moments pass until I pull back, licking around him one final time. Without hesitation, he tugs me onto my feet, pressing his lips onto mine.

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