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"steve!" meadow screamed as a russian guard grabbed her by the arms, dragging her away from her boyfriend. he yelled out as a guard grabbed him as well, and both teens fought against the men holding them in an attempt to get to each other. meadow was the first to give up trying, but steve was still screaming, kicking his legs out as he tried to pry the guard off of him.

the guard who held steve gripped him tighter, dragging him down a hall. "don't you dare hurt her!" steve yelled, continuing to fight against the man. "meadow!" he screamed as he watched her and the guard holding her disappear around a corner.

meadow was immediately tossed onto the floor of a cold and empty room, scrambling towards the door only to see it close. "who do you work for?" a large russian man asked in decently good english.

"i work at the hawkins pool." the girl replied, feeling a man fumble with handcuffs behind her back. once her hands were secured, they shoved her into a chair.

the russian man stepped forward, looking meadow in the eye. "liar." he said simply, reaching out a hand and harshly slapping her cheek. meadow gasped, feeling the sharp sting as the blood rushed to her cheeks. "again, who do you work for?"

meadow looked up at him. "i'm serious, i'm just a kid, i don't know what's going on here, and i'm a lifeguard at a swimming pool." he slapped her again, harder this time. "i won't tell anyone anything i saw i swear!" she cried out, noticing the large tray of knives and needles in the corner.

even though her cheek was beginning to hurt, and her greatest fears of life were needles and knives, she was thankful that dustin wasn't here. despite everything going on, at least she'd managed to protect him. he'd be safe, she thought.

"how did you find us?" the man asked, looking towards his accomplice, who was standing by the tray of weapons.

"my.. my friends and i heard a message on a radio. silver cat?" she spoke the two words that she remembered in russian. "we were just curious, we weren't ever going to do anything but we got stuck in this elevator and-" another slap to the face made her stop, and meadow hunched over, spitting out blood. "i'm telling the truth!" she yelled, looking around in fear at the two men.

the bigger of the two men turned around, picking up a needle. "we'll see if you want to be more honest later." he said, filling it up with an unknown liquid before stabbing it into her neck as she screamed.


after being knocked out for who knows how long, meadow finally woke up. her body hurt and ached from being hunched over, but, with her chin pressed against her chest, she could almost barely smell the remainder of steve's cologne on his gray jacket. the jacket, though, was the only thing that provided her warmth from the freezing, and goosebumps littered her legs, making her wish she wasn't wearing shorts.

meadow groaned, looking up at the harsh light around her. she was now handcuffed to a small chair, and she looked around the room. it was empty, save for her chair and the cart next to her.

she could now better see the tray full of terrifying objects. knives, doctor supplies, needles, etc., placed on top of the cart. one needle had been set aside from the others, and meadow assumed that that had been the needle used to inject her with whatever it had been.

as meadow took in her surroundings, she suddenly hissed, feeling the strong stinging sensation come back into her cheek. she couldn't remember how many times she'd been slapped or punched, but she could feel the dried blood all over her face and neck. she could only hope that steve was receiving less harsh treatment.

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