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this chapter is a little all over the place. i hope it's not bad or difficult to read/understand:( thanks for your patience i hope you enjoy <3


apparently seungmin was right.

my ass hit the floor faster than i could think. my body weight falling onto my ankle- causing me to wince. so much was happening at once.

what do i do? i thought to myself. in hopes of avoiding an ordeal- i attempted to stand up once again..evidently falling down. i huffed in frustration as my butt hit the ground, harder this time. thoughts spun in my head as i sat on the ground- contemplating..eventually deciding to call chaelin.

"yes?" she asked quickly, answering.

"hey chae. can you come to practice room C..and maybe bring like a medic with you?" i awkwardly laughed off, hoping she wouldn't freak out.

"dear god jaehyun- i'm coming." she huffed- hanging up quickly. i placed my phone beside me, the adrenaline slowly began to wear off as i waited. now i was just in pain- and i was panicking.

quiet, hot tears spilled from my eyes as my ankle began to ache worse and worse. my staggered, heavy breathing causing me to feel lightheaded. finally, chae rushed in- followed by a man with a stretcher. so much for her not freaking out.

"i didn't need a stretcher." i laughed through my staccato breaths. she sat beside me with a concerned look on her face- wiping my cheeks and helping me up as she murmured comforting words in attempts to calm me down.

"what'd you do?" she asked, helping me up. the medic listened attentively as i managed to get out my broken sentences- describing the details. he hummed, assuring me that i was okay and that i was going to get better. but i didn't feel okay..not at all.

chae sat beside me as more medics walked in- checking out my ankle. i tried my hardest to calm down, my hands were shaky and bruised from trying to break my fall. which OBVIOUSLY did no good considering the situation i was in right now- that was about to get way worse.

christopher 🎧 is calling..

my face dropped at the sight. the severity of the situation is pretty high; i am crying, with a probably broken foot, in the same building as him..bad timing was an understatement. i quickly declined the call and shot him a message.

hey, i can't talk right now what's up?

do you wanna come over later? we're having dumplings. i know they're your favorite 😋

i'll see what i can do?

okay :,)
be safe <3

you too :)


40 minutes later i had a boot on my foot. what was described was that i had a bunch of teeny stress fractures that didn't heal and boom- i can't dance for three months. i could feel my heart breaking, but i attempted to piece it together in hopes to spare my pride.

after sending out dozens of emails on the practice room floor i figured out that i could still work- but only come in twice a week to observe trainee's. the rest would be me being paid to basically sit on my couch and suffer. which didn't sound like anything enjoyable..but i could still work?

i had to call chris though. even though i didn't want to- i had to. he'd be so upset if i didn't and i never want him to be upset with me; so i picked up the phone and sent him a text. next thing you knew he was here- knocking at the door. when he entered- his demeanor had shifted.

"what did you do?" he asked monotonously- eyes fixated on mine. his gaze was almost angry, but not in a way that make me fearful. a way that made me feel guilty.

"i fractured my foot." i spoke back nonchalantly- returning my eyes to the laptop in front of me. he sat, staring at me for what seemed like minutes. "what?"

his eyes softened as he took a seat beside me. "wh- well are you okay? he asked gently. kind of a dumb question considering i was very much not okay..but sweet.

"i guess. im kinda upset obviously but it could be worse." i huffed out, shrugging my shoulders. i closed my laptop in annoyance. today really was not my day.

chris and i sat there in silence as he tugged at the strings of his dark grey hoodie. i closed my eyes and exhaled heavily- only to be interrupted by the feeling of his fingers over my sensitive hands. "they're bruised." he spoke out quietly, soft enough to hear a pin drop.

"i bruise easily." i added on, chuckling. "beck excitedly hit my arm so many times i was covered in black and blue marks. she bought me frozen yogurt every day for a week to make up for it."

he smiled faintly, continuing to trace my knuckles with his fingers. "you miss her, don't you?" he spoke out after a few seconds.

my throat tightened. "more than you'll ever know." i sighed. he intertwined his fingers with mine as i placed my head onto his lap gently. "savor this- it doesn't happen often."

he laughed to himself, resting his hand on top of mine as we listened to each other's faint breathing in the quiet room. my eyes fluttered closed, sub-consciously drifting to sleep peacefully in his lap.


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