Chapter 1: Mate

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Authors Note: Hello and welcome to the show! This is a cute story that I've been loving to write the past few months, and decided that this was the best platform for it at the moment. I hope you enjoy this story, because it's been a blast to write. If you find any typos, feel free to leave a comment about it and I will fix it. Thank you for reading!


Mates usually are found when a werewolf turns 18. Their wolf will catch onto the scent of their mate if they are nearby and they will follow it to whomever it is that they are to claim as theirs. If one wasn't found on their eighteenth birthday, then they would either go looking for their mate alone, or the pack would invite other friendly packs over in order to increase the chances.

Max was 21 years old and still mateless. After three long years of parties and pack meets, he was almost finished with trying to look. He would leave the pack temporarily to go find his mate. But he couldn't. As the next Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack, journeying like that would be irresponsible and could put the pack in danger.

It would make sense, if only his parents would give him the title already. They were waiting for his mate too. Their pack had never had an Alpha without a Luna.

Needless to say, Max was restless.

Nothing could keep him occupied anymore. Even when hunting he seemed distracted. It's why he took his time with it. He would rather spend days running around as a wolf than staying home with nothing but his thoughts.

"Max, you're getting too close to the border," Tyler spoke through the mind link.

He groaned. As the next Beta, Tyler was told to keep a tight hold on him, just to make sure he didn't do anything crazy. It's why Max always had a hunting party. They were all afraid that he'd run off in search for his mate or drift off in his thoughts so much that he would venture out too far.

Ever since Tyler was given that order he acted more like a parent than a best friend.

Max bolted in the opposite direction he was originally going in. It was a game that they wound up playing a lot. If Tyler told him he couldn't go in one direction, he would sprint in the opposite. Being that he was the fastest one of the pack, Max got a kick out of seeing Tyler struggle to keep up with him. The only one that could keep the pace with him was his father. He missed running with him quite a lot actually.

"Why do you always do this?" the bluish gray wolf panted behind him.

"If you're going to act like a parent, then I might as well act like a child. Simple as that," he replied back.

"I sincerely hope that my children never wind up as fast as you," Tyler huffed.

"At least you have children."

Tyler and the rest of his friends had all found their mates. Some of them from other packs, some from their pack. It never took long before they would have that possessive look on their face. And Max had to be tortured with watching them start families and grow.

He wanted that more than anything.

"Alpha Max," A young hunter, Bella, interrupted their conversation. She was only sixteen, but she had amazing hunting skills, and Max enjoyed having her in his party. "There's something strange on our territory."

"Where?" Max stopped dead in his tracks. He tried not to laugh too hard at Tyler when he attempted to stop just as suddenly.

"Southeast," She kept her reply short. "It smells like it's about two miles outside the city at the edge of our territory."

Mateless and Luna Bound (Self Published)Where stories live. Discover now