Chapter 13: Becca

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Dolores invites us to tea in her living room. I get comfortable in a paisley armchair. Ronan leans in the doorway, planting one of his Converse against the flowery wallpaper. He looks ready to fight with an AARP member. I shoot him a look that says, keep it together.

The trailer home is unexpectedly cozy, in a quaint, grandmotherly sort of way. Sunlight streams through the lace curtains, and the air smells faintly of sage. Lavender candles flicker on the windowsill. I can hear opera music playing in the kitchen.

"Try the darjeeling," Finn urges. "It's imported."

Andy and Talia sit on a pair of hand-stitched floor cushions. Warily, Andy accepts a #1 Teacher mug from Dolores.

She takes a sip and grimaces. "Do you have any sugar?"

"You don't put sugar in darjeeling, dear," Dolores says. Her smile doesn't quite touch her eyes. "This is the champagne of teas. It's meant to be enjoyed alone."

Andy sets her mug on the coffee table, pushing aside a Sandra magazine. "I think I'd prefer actual champagne."

Talia unsuccessfully tries to stifle her giggle.

Quick as a hawk, Dolores fixes her with a withering stare. "Don't think I've forgotten you, Miss Jhaveri. How did you get mixed up in all of this?"

"I have a life outside delivering pizzas," Talia says. She blushes slightly. "No offense, Mrs. Leon. You're one of my favorite customers."

"I should hope so," Dolores says, arching her eyebrows. I can't draw my attention away from her face-- she reminds me so much of my Abuela. And her eyes... I'm not sure what to think about her eyes. I don't want to jump to conclusions. Yet. Even if she has the same uncanny gaze as the Director. "You still haven't answered my question."

"These are my friends, Mrs. Leon. We hang out together."

"You moved here this summer, correct?"

"Yes. My family lives in Sutter Creek, but I'm spending some time by myself."

"So you've only known your friends for a few months?"

"I've known Andy for a few months," Talia says. "I met Ronan and Finn two days ago, and Andy introduced me to Becca today."

"You call these people your friends," Dolores says, "but you've only known them for two days. How do you know you can trust them?"

Talia frowns into her empty teacup. "I guess I don't."

"Good answer." Dolores plucks the cup from Talia's grasp and deftly fills it with darjeeling. Her hands tremble, but she doesn't spill a drop. "Trust nobody in this town. Believe nothing, not even your own instincts."

Talia's eyes dart across the room to where Finn is lounging on a floral loveseat. He sips delicately at a porcelain cup of darjeeling, his knees tucked against his chest. "I don't know what to believe in anymore," she says.

"You can believe in tea," Finn offers. "Tea never changes."

This makes Dolores smile. The expression softens her, smoothing away the creases time has carved into her face -- all except her crow's feet, which crinkle with happiness. "Wise words, Leigh."

Ronan finally speaks up from the doorway. "Who is Leigh?"

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Dolores asks him. She offers him a cup. Not a fancy porcelain cup; a plastic one, advertising Sorrento's pizza. I try not to smirk. "You look like someone who appreciates a quality darjeeling."

"I don't want your stupid tea," Ronan snaps. "I want to know what happened to Finn."

"I'd like to know that too," says Andy. "Talia may have met Finn a few days ago, but I've known him for almost fifteen years. He's more than a friend."

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