Chapter 4

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"Everyone! Please be seated at your respected tables because the feast for this fabulous event will begin shortly," Mr. Lockwood said through the mic.

"Oh, finally! I'm done with these photos being taken. But hey, at least I'm going to be famous soon, right?"

"Hailey, girl, stop being full of yourself? You ain't getting famous with that crusty ass face," said Trevor.

"Trevor, shut it at this instant! You're embarrassing me right now!" she growled.

Both of them were having a fully-fledged argument, which is a thing that I'm used to at this point, but the thing that stands out this time is that this is happening on stage in a ballroom filled with business people. Amelia and I laughed at this point, despite the 'seriousness' of the situation between Hailey and Trevor.

When I first knew both of them, I was certain that they were attracted to each other, but they were scared to admit it because they seemed too close to each other for best friends being the opposite sex, not that I was judging. I mean, you could look at them at first glance and involuntarily tell that they're dating. I know it sounds stereotypical, but you get what I mean.

And then my theory was proved wrong when I stumbled across Trevor sucking faces with another guy on the couch as I came into the apartment one day, which made me think that he was either gay or bi. I didn't really care about that. He then came out to me a few months later as gay, which obviously Hailey knew. I was not surprised by this because I knew about this, and I was also happy because now I have a guy friend that I can talk about anything without getting uncomfortable; lord knows how I will act around guys.

"Amelia, what are you doing up there? Get down," said Mrs. Lockwood.

The four of us walked down the stage and went to the biggest yet expensive looking table I've ever seen. Even the chairs themselves looked like literal thrones.

"Finally, for once in my life, I'm going to eat rich people's food. I always wonder what y'all rich people eat, huh, Amelia?" sassed Trevor.

"Honey, we still eat the same food. Remember, we rich people are still humans, just like you and the rest," replied Amelia.

"Whatever, Amelia. Let's eat, guys."

The people sitting at this very table were the four of us, Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, and there were two empty seats. Perhaps it may be for any of the Lockwoods' family members.

"Dad, why are there empty seats?" asked Amelia. 

"Oh, I have invited our closest business partner, but I think he's not going to come. He might be busy," Mr. Lockwood replied.

"Is he hot?" asked Hailey.

"Well, if you think that a grumpy 50-something-year-old man is hot, then yes he is, my dear," said Amelia.

"I hate you guys right now. I'm being embarrassed by my best friends. Try being good friends by finding me a hot and rich guy. I'm really lonely at the moment."

"Okay, okay, okay, sure, Hailey. I will," I replied.

"You know, we're really happy that our baby girl has such good friends. She was really lonely throughout her childhood because she never had real friends, as most people wanted to be friends with her for our wealth. Look at her now. She can't stop talking about the things you guys are doing together. We really appreciate you guys a lot," said Mr. Lockwood.

"Oh please, don't thank us. This is what us friends do. Amelia is truly the sweetest girl ever," I replied.

"You really love me that much, Miss Amy?" said Amelia while wiping fake tears.

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