Chapter 19 - Chaos

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The past few days had been a blur, chaotic, but a blur nonetheless. Where to start? Well for one Cal decided it was best to cook Fat Nuggets:


Everyone was wide awake at the break of dawn the moment spices filled the air. "What's for breakfast?" Angel asks in place of everyone else's burning questions.

"A nice special," Cal comes out from out the Berry bush to reveal Fat Nuggets covered in blood.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Niffty gasps and cowers into Charlie's leg as Angel takes out his guns. "You will regret that," He growls.

"Hold on-" A bead of sweat forms on Cal's forehead as he drops the pig. The only odd thing is that Nuggs snorts and shakes his head.

"What the-" The blood covered pig trots over to Angels feet. The spider drops with tears forming. "You son of a gun!" Hugging the animal tightly, Husk took it upon himself to take a swipe of the red liquid.

"Berry juice," he mumbles, smacking his lips at the sour taste.

"I wouldn't have gone along if I knew my life was in danger," Cal sneers and throws a stone at the bush.


"My dear, are you ok?" Getting out from behind the bush Alastor rubbed the top of your head as you flipped Cal off.

"I'm fine, thank you," tossing a Berry in the air Alastor caught it and popped it into his mouth. "Rude,"

"You did this?"

"It was Al's idea!" Quickly pointing at the overlord he was quick to gape at you in offence.

"Traitor," sticking your tongue out, he placed a Berry on your tongue.

"Thank you, kind sir," you say before jumping out the hollow shrub.

"I hate you," Angel mumbles.

"Sorry, Angel," you nudge the spider who shakes his head.

"I'm talking to those idiots," he laughs and shoots the ground by Cal and Alastor, causing only Cal to yelp and hang onto the nearest tree.


Next was the bee attack caused by none other than Angel:


"Hey, Niffty, can you pass me the-" a blood curdling scream filled the terrain. "What was that?" Cal took out his knife and pointed it at the bushes as everyone followed in suit. Cold metal rested in your hand as rustling approached the group accompanied with the yell of terror.

"Wait..." looking around at the rest of the group Husk was the first to notice the absence of a certain someone. "Where is Angel?" All eyed rested on Husk.

"Of course," lowering your weapon from the supposed threat, Angel Dust came stumbling out in full panic. "Angel! What's going on?-"


"Seriously? Angel, surely a bunch of bees isn't that bad," Gabriel scoffs and puts away his weapon. You and Cal met eyes, both wide in fear. "What?"

"Bees!" Grabbing the nearest people, being Niffty and Alastor, you dashed through the woods towards the waterfall.

"Y/n, honey-" but the archangel was cut off when Cal picked him up effortlessly.

"Take a deep breath!" Diving head first off the ledge into the serene blue you and Alastor clung onto Niffty like fearful parents. Sealing your sight for a few moments, a few went to swim up only for Cal and you to drag them down. Holding your finger up to your lips and using the other to point up the blurred figure of bees the size of lions.

"Howly fwuck!" Husks mumbled screams of terror were masked with comical bubbles floating upwards. Cal quickly swam over to clasp a hand around his mouth. Any movement indicating you were under water would surely let these monsters know to wait around.


Lastly was Charlie's mistake:


"Hey, guys! Look what I found!" Stopping your focus on Nifftys ramble about her boy problems you see Charlie come out the shrubs holding what looked to be a blue maggot with bulging doe eyes.

"Charlie... where did you find that?"

"Oh! It was crying in the bush! I couldn't just leave it there," throwing a stick to Cal who was fast asleep on a log he wakes up in a sudden panic.

"No more blueberries!!- What the bloody hell?!" His eyes trailed around before stopping at you who was pointing at the creature Charlie had found. "Dear blueberries..."


"Princess, I would advise you to put that thing down and come over here," Vaggie waved Charlie over quietly as Cal advised the heir.

"Oh come on guys! It was crying!" You and Cal mumbled 'fuck' simultaneously. "What?"

"The reason it was crying is because it was leading its mother home,"

"Oh fuck-" a screech breaks out from the woods as the offspring starts to cry. "WHAT DO I DO?!"

"Yeet it!" Angel suggests which Charlie gladly accepts. The crying child gets flung into the depths of the wood as everyone stares in shock.

"What?! I panicked!"


Filler chapter for you!

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Filler chapter for you!

- Anna ❤️

Deals with the Fallen: Alastor x fallen fem!Angel!readerWhere stories live. Discover now