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Leanna was woken earlier in the morning, hearing four voices arguing. At first, she figured it was Millie and her parents.. but the voices were extremely close.

"Just leave us all alone!" A voice said.

"Boys, Leanna and I had a deal. She comes with me, your safe. A deal doesn't just disappear." Another voice said, Leanna figuring out what was going on.

Her eyes opened slightly to reveal that the three boys stood in front of her while Caleb stood facing them.

Leanna sat up and said "what if I don't come back."

"You don't come back, I might just accidentally remove these boys from existence." Caleb said, a smirk on his face.

"Fine, let's go then." Leanna said, taking a step forward to Caleb.

Luke instantly pulled her back and said "what are you doing?!" His voice was mixed with anger and sadness.

"I'm doing what's right. You guys just enjoy yourselves alright, I have to go.. for us." Leanna said as the boys gave her a group hug.

"Lee whenever you get back to Hollywood, come and see us right away." Reggie said as he hugged the girl.

"Yeah, and say hi to Willie for me.." Alex added.

"Leanna I don't want you to leave me again." Luke said, Leanna putting both her hands onto his face.

"I'll be back. I promise you." She said, Caleb butting in "that's a big promise to keep."

He had a smirk on his face, scaring the four other ghosts.

"Look, tell Julie I'll be back.. and try to get in contact with Millie somehow, tel her I'm alright.. please?" Leanna said, stepping away from the boys.

"Y-yeah, bye l-Lee.." Reggie said as he cried. The other two quickly joined his tears as they watched Caleb forced Leanna to poof away with him.

"Now what. We are all gonna be in another slump again." Alex said as the boys arrived back to the studio.

"Hey guys! Where's Leanna?" Julie asked as she looked up from her piano.

She was going to ask again, but seeing the look on Luke's face.. she knew it was best to wait.

Luke's face was red, tears flowing down, a big frown too. It was exactly like when Leanna disappeared.

"Luke..." Julie said, going to give the boys a hug. Luke bursted into tears as he hugged Julie.

Reggie and Alex looked at the two, then eachother. Luke never cried infront of the boys, only if it was something involving his parents.

"Where is she.." Julie asked, turning to the other two this time.

"Calebs. He came this morning and she went." Alex said quietly.

Julie frowned as she sat down on the couch, looking down to her hands.

"Guys.. we can't go into another slump like last time. I know it's hard, trust me. Just whenever your ready.. let's try and get back into our normal routine." Julie said as she looked to the boys, earning slight nodds.

Leanna appeared in the same building as the last time she went on tour with Caleb. It was quite odd, each time they went somewhere new, it was like the club came with them.

"Everyone! Welcome back Leanna!" Caleb said to the house band. They didn't look too satisfied with her, they never liked her. It's not like Leanna ever did something for them to hate.. they just hated her.

Leanna noticed a familiar figure look around the corner to the stage. The long dark hair and skateboard gave it away.

She made her way to the person and saw it was in fact willie. He didn't look very happy.

"What are you doing here?!" He said in a whisper yell.

"He said he was gonna erase them.. I couldn't let him." Leanna replied, Willie giving her a hug.

"Leanna.. do they know you left?" Willie asked.

Leanna nodded her head as she said "yes, they're upset. I'm afraid they're gonna do exactly what they did last time. And what if I do the same thing as I did last time too."

"Lee it's alright. The boys will figure something out, I'll find a way to help them. We will get you out of here." Willie said, giving her one last hug before she was poofed onto the stage in full costume playing some random song Caleb wanted her to.

"Ah! Music to my ears! Isn't this great!" Caleb said, the band members smiling, forcedly ofcourse. Leanna just wanted to curl into a ball and cry for eternity.

"Ok I'm done with you all, go to your rooms." Caleb said, each band member going off towards the rooms.

Leanna entered her room and found a note on her bed. She remembered Willie saying something about whenever a note is sent, it just appears until someone takes it, usually Caleb.

We are already losing our minds without you. I meant to show you a song I wrote for you last time you left but this whole thing happened so I recorded it with the others and put it on a disk for you. We all love you and miss you so much.
-Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Julie

Leanna could tel from the hand writing that this was Luke's writing. It was a bit more messy than the others.

She saw the attached cd so she put it into the small radio and played it on a low volume, so she wouldn't get in trouble.

"It's been a long day, without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
We've come a long way, from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
When I see you again."

Luke's singing calmed Leanna down, song with Julies piano playing, Alex's light drumming, and Reggies gentle strumming.

After listening to the song, Leanna smiled and took a piece of paper to write back, knowing that if she gets caught she'll be in trouble.

Hey lukie, I miss you guys too. I just listened to your songs and cried even more than I already have today, thanks for that. Please keep playing music even if I'm not there, all of your talents are too good to not continue with. Also, tell Alex that Willie said hey.
Your all time favorite

Once Leanna finished writing, the note disappeared. Her mind started to come up with different things, when a voice was heard behind her.

"It's alright, that's how notes are sent when your dead." Willie said with a laugh.

"Ok good, I thought Caleb took it." Leanna said, sighing in relief.

"So, the wrote to you already? I'm not surprised, Alex would write to me three times a day. I felt horrible I couldn't respond." Willie said.

"I'm trying to Lee it low key that I'm responding.. you know? I need to keep in touch with them or they will forget me."

"Those boys would never forget you. There's a better chance of dinosaurs coming back than them forgetting you." Willie said while laughing.

Leanna giggled and said "thanks Willie. I'm gonna get to bed, goodnight."

"Goodnight." Willie said, leaving the girls room and shutting the door.

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