John McDonogh High School Shooting

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At 10:30am on 14th April, 2003, 2 men armed with an AK-47 and a semi automatic pistol entered John McDonogh High School property via gaps in the fence. Immediately after students and faculty entered the school gymnasium, the 2 men shot at 15 year old Jonathan "Caveman" Williams at least 20 times. 3 female students were wounded, and a pregnant senior classmate was trampled by a stampede of students. Jonathan Williams died at the scene and the 2 perpetrators immediately fled the school campus. The injured recovered.

After the event, officers commanded by Jimmy Keen, a lieutenant with the New Orleans Police Department, attempted to interview witnesses at school and their houses. A TIME magazine news story described the event as having 150 witnesses. Jimmy said that the students responded to questions from the officers with "shrugs and stares." Jimmy said that his sergeant stated he feels "like the Marine Expeditionary Force in Iraq. The people in the neighbourhoods don't want us here. They don't speak our language. They won't talk to us."

It was eventually determined in court that Steven R. Williams (no relation to Jonathan Williams) and James Tate committed the shootings, while Raymond Brown, Tyrone Crump, Herbert Everett, (a John McDonogh student) and Michelle Fulton (also a John McDonogh Student and girlfriend of deceased Hillard Smith) conspired in the killing. The 2 killers were told that Jonathan conspired in the murder of Hillard "Head" Smith IV, a Joseph S. Clark High School student, and Raymond's cousin. Hillard Smith was found dead from gunshot wounds in front of an abandoned house on 7th April, 1 week before Jonathan died.

Articles of The Times-Picayune stated police believed that Hillard's friends and family felt Jonathan Williams killed Hillard Smith.

On 27th October, 2003 2 people related to Jonathan William's killers received fatal injuries after an ambush: 76 year old Myrtis Bickham, a retired automobile mechanic and Hillard's grandfather, and 31 year old Roosevelt Brown Jr., one of Hillard's cousins, were hit with assault rifle gunfire shortly after 9:00pm outside 2324 Ursuline Street. Roosevelt had a handgun with him at the time of his death; a The Times-Picayune article said that he may have worried about his own safety. Myrtis received gunshot wounds to the head and torso and was declared dead at the scene. Roosevelt Brown also sustained head and torso wounds; he died hours after the shooting at the Medical Centre of Louisiana. On 30th October, a close friend of the Brown family died; 24 year old Kenya Ambrose, a welder at an Avondale, Jefferson Parish shipyard, died at the 2300 block of St. Bernard Avenue 3 days after the killings of Myrtis and Roosevelt Brown occurred; the location of Kenya's death is within walking distance of Myrtis' house. Police believe that Kenya died because of his relationship with the Brown family.

Investigators believed that the Jonathan's family was not directly responsible for the killings; investigators said that friends and associates of Jonathan Williams tried to avenge the high school student's death by killing everyone that they believed had responsibility for the death, even though the suspects were already in prison.

Jacquielynn Floyd of The Dallas Morning News said that the story would not have made national headlines if the killers had not killed Jonathan Williams in a school gymnasium and injured 3 bystanders and instead killed him off campus.

The court system convicted Steven Williams of second degree murder and he received a life sentence. James Tate pleaded guilty to manslaughter and conspiracy to commit second degree murder and received a 15 year sentence. On 20th September, 2006 4 people with less direct involvement pleased guilty and received their sentences. Raymond Brown pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy to commit second degree murder and received 9 years. Tyrone Crump pleased guilty to "accessory after the fact" and received 5 years. Herbert Everett pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy to commit second degree murder and received 5 years. Michelle Fulton pleaded guilty to the same charge as Herbert and Raymond and received 5 years. Herbert and Michelle, in prison since 2003, received credit for time served after sentencing in 2006. Tyrone and Raymond made bail months prior to the sentencing and faced re-arrest due to a weapons charge.

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