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First, take a doll you do not have any emotional attachment to. It must have limbs that it may move freely. Don't use a human-like doll or the spirit may never leave it. Give the doll a name. Don't use the name of someone you know.

"Your name is Shiro." 

Yangyang stared at the teddy bear with hesitation. He took the cutter from the table and ran the blade down the middle. The soft stuffing began pouring out from the slit.

Second, remove all the stuffing and replace it with rice grains. Place something from your body into the doll, preferably your finger nails. Never use someone else's body parts or the game won't work correctly.

Yangyang carefully poured the rice in, placing his nail clipping in last. He grabbed the needle and red thread Hendery prepared to him beforehand. 

Lastly, use a red thread to sew up the doll. This acts as the restraint for the spirit later on in the game. 

"It does look like blood vessels." Yangyang quietly commented, wrapping the remaining thread around the doll.

"The bathtub is filled." Hendery solemnly informed. "Are you really sure you want to do this? You still have time to back out."

"I've prepared the doll and made the post to lure Bambam. He even liked it. There's no going back." Yangyang asserted. He poured salt water into a tall cup. "You take care out there." 

"You're literally about to play hide and seek with a demon and you tell me to take care?" Hendery huffed. 

"It's raining quite a bit though. What if there are frogs that came out?" Yangyang joked.

"Whatever." Hendery rolled his eyes and grabbed  an umbrella. "I'll update you where the doll is every five minutes. Make sure you have your salt water with you."

"I made a whole lot of extra." Yangyang reassured. He watched the older boy walk out the home and towards the car parked outside. He looked down at the doll, a shiver running down his spine. 

It had the same eyes as Holly, only the right eye was the red button. His thumb brushed against the cold plastic before turning to check the time. It was five minutes before 3AM, meaning he needed to get ready.

"I need to stop stalling." Yangyang mumbled. He put the doll on the table and quickly made his way around the house. He turned all the lights off and turned every TV he came across. He placed his cup of saltwater in the cabinet in the master's bedroom.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, the timer reminding him it was time. His once confident footsteps turned into nervous trudges. He took the doll and the pair of scissors from the table and headed to the bathroom. 

He took a deep breath, collecting himself. 

"Yangyang is the first it." He repeated three times. He put the doll in the bathtub, completely submerging it in the water. 

He turned his around and walked out, closing his eyes like what the instructions told him. He counted to ten and immediately returned to the bathroom. He took the scissors from the counter and took a deep breath.

"I found you, Shiro."

He raised his arm and didn't hesitate to drive the scissors through the doll. The water sloshed around as he stepped back a safe distance from the tub.

"Shiro is the next it!" He repeated three times before turning to run to his hiding spot. They had burned incense earlier so the room was somewhat safer than the rest. He climbed onto the highest shelf of the cabinet, snugly fitting himself inside. 

He took the cup and took a mouthful of the salty water, leaving it in his mouth. He anxiously waited for Hendery's first text. The home was quiet, the sound of static from the tv and the rain pattering against the windows being the only thing heard.

Hendery: The doll isn't in the bathroom anymore.

Yangyang's breath hitched as his eyes scanned over the text over and over. He peeked through the crack and was relieved he didn't forget to shut the door. He didn't lock it as it was basically giving his location away.

He checked the stopwatch he had to keep track of the duration of the game. It had been at least thirty minutes since he started the ritual. The urge to sleep he had been fighting disappeared with the text. 

Is this really gonna work?


Yangyang's whole body tensed at the sound. The channels of the TV quickly switched as words were choppily formed.

Where... are.. you..?

Hendery: It checked the kitchen and is on its way to the guest bedroom.

He could hear it. The faint yet eerie sound of something being lazily dragged grew closer and closer. He could hear the little pattering of feet, followed by a door slamming open.  He heard the slow scratching of what could be the scissors against the tiled floor.

Are... you... here..?

Where.. are... you..?


Yangyang jolted in his spot at the sudden clap of thunder. His head collided with the hard wood as he let out a muffled yelp. The hurried footsteps that followed was one of the scariest thing Yangyang has ever heard in his life.

Hendery: it's outside the master's bedroom. 

I.. he..ard...you.

The doorknob jiggled furiously in it's place as desperate yet eager knocks were made on the door.  The TV jumped through random channels as it tried to communicate with him again.


A...re.. you... the..re?

unknown number: who will find you first, me or the doll? 


The channels switched rapidly to form an unsettling laugh, as if to mock him for his stupidity.


There was a long creak, followed by the continuous sounds of things crashing harshly on the floor.  Glass shattered at the impact of its collision with the cabinet. It was as if someone was throwing a tantrum, destroying anything and everything they see.

He could just end the game right there and then. The doll was right below him and he could just open the doors and hope it flies back from the cabinet. It would be pushing his luck to even try it. 

The whole cabinet shook as it was hit from the side, making the saltwater spill onto the folded clothes. The action was done repeatedly, growing louder and higher towards him.

The phone on his stomach vibrated again, hoping it was an update text from Hendery.

Hendery: There's someone else inside the house.

The cabinet doors opened the moment he finished reading the text.


man i suck at writing horror now bring me back to the good times where i scare the shit out of my friends with it

to clarify things with hendery's role, he's using the cctv to monitor  "shiro"

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