Chapter 8: Can You Turn On the Lights?

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Third Person:

It's been a few hours in America's Household. Now it's 6:34 PM or 18:34 for those using 24 hour time.

The aroma of different types of food wafted throughout the house. Dinner was almost ready.


"Perfect! They'll finally get what they deserve. The trap should be right where they're sitting. Once they sit, it will unleash."

"This is going to be amazing. Watching their faces as they realize what's happening. We have the front row seats as were sitting right next to them."

"Don't forget to blend in. Don't make them think that we have something to do with it, or else they might find out. Then they're going to blame us that we did it."

"We have a lot more people to make it seem like they did it... Texas, Florida, Arizona, California, Colorado, the Thirteen, and so forth. I already asked them to back us up just in case they say it's us. Everyone will think they did it, and maybe even laugh at them."

"What were we going to use again?"

"An invisible Whoopi cushion with a small stink bomb inside of it, duh? Michigan and Illinois helped us make it, as they are our assistants."

"Right. So mission Russo-Japanese is a go?"

"Yep. It's almost dinner and it's all set up."

"Let's just watch something."



"Colorado, Montana, what did I tell you about making it ice cold inside the swimming pool." America scolded Colorado and Montana.

"You told us not to..." They both said in unison.

"And what did you do?"

"We made it ice cold." They both looked down at their feet and some tears came out of Montana's eyes.

America sighed in pity. "I really can't be angry at any of you even if I try to. You just have to sweep up the floor after dinner. That's it."

Colorado looked up and smiled slightly. "Thank you, dad!" And hugged America. Montana did the same after her sister.

"This is a warning though, understood?" America softly said.

"We understand." America nodded at that answer.

They quickly both scurried away. America looked at the sky and saw that it was starting to become grey. He went inside the house.


It was officially dinner time! Nations quickly went to the dining room to see what was for dinner.

Arizona traveled through the house, again losing her way around it because it was just really big and confusing. She thought she knew the place by now.

Arizona sighs. "I'll just go ask the closest person nearby and ask them."

She travels around again and finds Hawaii and Alaska watching something.

"Here's the news today. Right now for the weather, there's a possibility that there will be a large storm coming. Please be careful out there. Tips on making your life easier during storms.." This British voice comes out from the TV. Almost reminds Arizona of Britain's voice for a second.

"Hey, Hawaii and Alaska! Where's the dining room again?" Arizona shouts out to them.

"Oh! Is it dinner?" Hawaii exclaims, getting off the couch she was on.

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