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Day 31
C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories
Aves Department
Testing Room

MY STOMACH DROPPED at Dr. Pierce's words. It didn't sound good, but what could possibly be worse than what she already made me do to Elias? Was the vigorous training sessions, blood samples, and nightly injections not enough? It already tore me apart to do those, and now she was asking for worse.

"I am not sure I can do anything worse than this Dr. Pierce," I said, gesturing back towards where Elias waited patiently in the Testing Room.

Dr. Pierce let out a frustrated sigh. "Look Miss Hall, I understand your conflict, but know that if we don't do this, Dr. Grant will kill him. Elias will be dead by the end of the week."

It felt as if my body was being ripped in two. My only two options involved harming Elias, but only one involved death. With that, I made up my mind.

"Okay," I said, letting out a shaky breath. "Tell me what I have to do."

I could see Dr. Pierce's shoulders relax, "I need you to keep this over his mouth," she said as she opened up her briefcase, reaching inside to pull out what looked to be an oxygen mask.

I watched in confusion as she handed me the mask. "Okay, but why do you need me to do that? Wouldn't you be more qualified?"

"Yes and no," Dr. Pierce said running a hand through her auburn curls. "Last time we tried, he managed to break out of his restraints and rip it off."

I frowned. "It sounds like it was probably painful then. What are you going to do to him?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips defensively.

Dr. Pierce's eyes flickered down to my position before she straightened shoulders. Adjusting her glasses, she spoke, "This test will force Elias to inhale a highly concentrated amount of pollutants that are currently on the rise in our atmosphere."

My eyes widened. "What?! Why would y-" I began to yell, stopping myself when I remembered what Dr. Grant wrote in his journal.

I have decided to use the DNA from the Hawkfinch due to their unique immunity to radiation and pollution...My work here will ensure human survival in our deteriorating world...

A wave of realization washed over me.

"Dr. Grant-"

Dr. Pierce did not even wait for me to finish before answering. "This is the main reason he was created. We did small tests when he was younger but nothing to this level, we figured we would wait until he matured to get the best results. And now we have run out of time."

I looked up, meeting her eyes. In them, I saw that her determination to save Elias reflected my own.

"I understand," I said, defeated.

Dr. Pierce nodded. "Just like any testing you have done, I'll need you to hook him up to his vital monitors while I set up the mask." She said holding up the briefcase. "Then, when we are ready, I'll hand it off to you to slip over his face"

"Where will you be?" I asked.

"I'll be in the observation room down the hall, watching through the cameras," She said, pointing to a room a few doors down.

Prickles of apprehension arose in my chest, and I swallowed uneasily. "I don't know if I can do this alone," I replied, the images of Elias tossing scientists across the room flooded my mind.

Dr. Pierce but her hand on my shoulder, "You'll be fine. Based on the data you've been collecting, Elias's heart rate is much more relaxed around you than it ever was with me. Trust me, this is our best bet."

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